Welcome to Sherman's Place
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My name's Sherman Miller. I am the son of Glinda and Sherman Miller, Sr. of McCrory, Arkansas. I was born and raised in Arkansas. I lived in and around Augusta for the first 19 years of my life. I graduated Augusta High School in 1985. I joined the Arkansas Army National Guard in 1984. I attended basic training at Ft. Benning, GA during my summer vacation ('84) between my junior and senior year of high school and returned to Benning for AIT (advanced infantry training is what that stands for if I remember correctly) the following summer ('85). I signed up for active duty Air Force in 86 and spent my 3rd summer ('86) in a row in a basic training atmosphere.
I had just started dating my wife to be (Catherine Brooks) before leaving for Benning the summer of '85. And we were married only a few months before I left for Lakland for Air Force basic training the summer of '86. So the first two summers of our relationship were spent apart communicating by letter and phone.
I'm just an old country boy who likes computers and thought it was time to get into this internet stuff, especially the WWW. I've learned a lot over the past several months about the Web, e-mail, mailing list, and newsgroups. I can see that the net is really going to be changing our lives. I'm just a baby in this HTML stuff, even though I've been fooling with computers for around 14 years now I guess , so if the pages don't seem fancy.... well, we have to walk before we run right?
I spend a lot of time watching television, playing on the computer,
and reading books. I like shows like X-Files, Darkskies, Sightings, Roseanne,
COPS, and LAPD. I like reading military fiction and one of my favorite
authors is Dale Brown.
Isn't it amazing how much time you can spend watching television. Yep, couch potato, that's me. I'm trying to cut back, but old habits are hard to break. I started reading books again about a year or so ago after not really doing so in about ten years. I use to really love to read. I'm starting to get back into the reading habit again especially after discovering Dale Brown's books. I think he's an excellent author for military type fiction if you're into that. But I guess that's another story isn't it. Let me stop before I get off on a tangent and get back to television.
One of my favorite television shows right now is Dark Skies. It just started showing over here in the U.K. a few weeks ago and I haven't missed an episode yet. I watch it every Monday night at 10 PM on Channel 4. (For you folks back in the States, there are 4 terrestrial channels here in England: BBC1, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4.) The pilot episode got my attention and they haven't lost my interest yet. I like to watch anything to do with UFO's and I find history interesting, too. This show combines the two by rewriting recent U.S. history as we know it. They take historical events since the time of the Roswell crash (of whatever) and put extraterrestrial parasites that live in human brains right in the center of events like the JFK assassination and the civil rights movement, etc. If you like this sort of stuff you really ought to check this show out. I think it is excellent.
(July 19, 1997) Well, the first season of Dark Skies has finished being shown over here and I thought I should update this page. (huh?) I think it is a fantastic show and I didn't miss an episode all season. Can't wait for the next.
Some links about my favorite television shows:
Dark Skies World Wide Web Site
I use the handle "Tank" in Pow Wow and in other chat rooms. I'm not sure when someone first called me Tank but I think it was sometime during our tour at Barksdale. I didn't get it at first. I mean why was this person calling me "Tank". So I asked why they were calling me that and they said something like. Sherman Tank. Get it... your name is Sherman... and there's a tank called a Sherman Tank.
Actually I use variations "Tank". Right now I use ShermanTank on Pow Wow and ICQ. Speaking of ICQ you can click here here to see if I'm online and page me if you want to chat or send me a message if I'm not online. Or if you use Pow Wow click here to page me and see if I'm on. Remember you must have Pow Wow running before you start MS Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Thanks for visiting my page. Be sure and check out the rest of our pages especially our Augusta Page.
This page last updated September 5, 1997
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