Hello my name is Angela I am 10 years old and I would like to have a spot on this web page to let the world know what I like:
My favorite movies are from Disney. I like comedy movies too, like Jim Carrey. I have most of his movies that he's stared in on video.
The picture above is me in "Oliver Cromwell's House" in Ely, England. I'm standing in the kitchen. This house has been extensively and carefully restored and first opened in 1990. Other rooms in this house include a Portrait Room, Civil War Exhibition, Cromwell's Study and a Haunted Bedroom!
I went on a field trip with my class to the Tower of London in the 3rd grade. I want to share with you my report on what I did.
Spiral staircase is a winding staircase that starts at the bottom of the tower and stops at the top. The steps just keep going in a circle. They keep getting smaller as you go up.
The portcullis is a gate that lets people come in and out of the tower. It is a big gate. The gate kept the bad people out. It is made out of wood and the ends are sharp points.
I saw some names carved in the wall. I think they used some rocks to carved their name on the wall. Prisoners would carve their names in the wall.
The biggest part is the mystery of Little Princes. They were killed in the tower. They were brothers, but they look like girls to me. Their uncle killed them so he could be king.
It was fun. I also got to see the Traitor's Gate, the Jewels, the Wall, and the Carved names. It was a fun day and I was tired at the end.
The following are some of the places on the Web that I've enjoyed visiting:
© 1997 angela-miller@usa.net
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