Our Favorite Links
Visit some of the places we like to go when we're surfin' the web!
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This site, authored by Al's drummer, Webmaster and all around good guy Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz, is the place to go for anything and everything you want to know about "Weird Al" Yankovic, parodist extraordinaire and self-described "pop culture Cuisinart"!! Check the site often for the most accurate and up-to-date information about Al, and also take a look through the Fan Art Gallery, where Laurie's Al-art entitled "This means something..." was published in 2000!
This site is a great stress reliever -- trust us on this one!
Beakman & Jax
Yes, this is a shameless plug for Laurie's newest Web-based venture -- creating a home page for her 15-year class reunion! The reunion was held February 17, 2001 (better late than never, right?), so check out this site for the wrapup on this exciting event!
A great place for the kids (and their parents) to learn more about the world of science!
Kevyn and Alice in Latteland
This ever-evolving site features the continuing adventures of John's sister and brother-in-law out in Seattle (and in their temporary digs in Pittsburgh)! Check out the "Recipe of the Month" feature ... and the cute pictures of Alice and Keev as kids!! (Awwwww!)
Zamboni World
A fun site for hockey fans -- the home of the one and only Zamboni!
The Providence Bruins
The official web site of our hometown heroes, the 1999 Calder Cup champion Providence Bruins! The playoffs are coming soon, so "check" out the box office for the best available seats!
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Questions? Comments? Smart remarks? Send to: LASeubert@aol.com