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At Alex's 5th birthday party -- October 7, 2000
(We finally updated the picture! Can you believe it?)
Introducing...the Seuberts!
Not exactly "Meet the Beatles", is it? So anyway, who are we, you ask? Well, the Seuberts are a "party of three" -- John, Laurie and Alexander ("Alex"). Sit back,
relax, and let us tell you a little about ourselves!
John hails from Belle Mead, NJ. He came to RI in 1984 to attend Bryant College, where he met many good friends (including Laurie!). John is an Eagle Scout and holds a Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow. When he's not working or surfing the 'net, John is an avid reader (faves include Lovecraft, Piper and Tolkien) and role-playing game enthusiast (D&D and Traveller).
Laurie is a native Rhode Islander (and a Leap Day baby!) who has been married to John since 1989. Like John, Laurie attended Bryant College and is a voracious reader. In addition to exploring the Internet and going to Providence Bruins games, Laurie dabbles in a variety of crafts. Laurie is also hooked on the game "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings"!
The newest member of the family, Alex was born in 1995. His favorite things to do include watching Scooby-Doo cartoons, listening to all types of music, and playing with Legos. Alex is now a first grader and celebrated his birthday on October 7!
Sorry, Alex can't access his e-mail yet!
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