A word about Stow vital records:

Researchers should bear in mind that Stow, Maine is a very small town with no hospital and one church.  Most twentieth century births and many deaths and marriages are recorded in other towns.  If the vital statistics of Stow residents are not found in Stow records, it is suggested that research be extended to nearby towns including Fryeburg, Lovell and Bridgton, Maine as well as Conway and Chatham, New Hampshire.
Early Vitals
Births  1892-1910

Births 1911-1942

Births 1943-1976 and Delayed Returns

Marriage Records  via Maine Archives
Deaths 1916-1945

Deaths 1960-1996

Stow Census 1800 

Stow Census 1820

Stow Census 1830

Stow Census 1840

Stow Census 1850

Stow Census 1860

Stow Census 1870

Stow Census 1880

Stow Census 1900

Stow Census 1910

Stow Census 1920

1907 Mitchell Census

Town Officers


1858 Map

Early Families

Vital Records



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