Charles and Hazil Goman Cronkrite,1945

Charles Henry Cronkrite and Hazil Dale Goman were married
15 June 1919 in Biwaubik, MN by Rev. Charles P.
Keast. The marriage took place after Charlie was discharged
from the Army after serving his Country in France in
World War I. At the time Hazil was a
reporter for the newspaper in Biwaubik and was known as

Charlie and Hazil and their two children, Marjorie Jayne and Darrell Owen moved to Rockford, Il in January 1927. Their son, Charles Wayne had died in 1924 in Eveleth, MN. On 5 February 1932 another son blessed their union when Dale Henry Cronkrite was born. Charlie was a purchasing agent for Standard Oil of Rockford, IL and Hazil, after her children were grown, was a saleslady for Chas. V. Weise Department Store.

The Charles H. Cronkrite Family

As the children grew up and got married, Marjorie to
Harold Divan
on 22 September 1946, Darrell to first,
Yvonne Trembly and 2nd to Joan Vorjan and Dale to
first Janet Priceand 2nd to Carol Jacobs, their children
gave them 8 grandchildren to love and spoil. Richard,
Craig and Charles Divan, Charles, Heidi and Darrel Cronkrite Jr.
and Jill and Steven Cronkrite.

On June 15 1969 Charles and Hazil celebrated their 50th
Wedding Anniversary with a party hosted by their 3 children.
The whole family attended the event.


In November of 1972 Charlie and Hazil packed up their
most personal possessions and sold the family home and retired
to Yuma AZ. Grandma loved to play cards and
had quite a few bridge clubs going at the time
and she hated to leave her friends of many years
but the Arizona climate was a huge attraction.
So off they went to make new friends in the
Arizona Territory. They frequently traveled to visit family and
friends and when they came to visit me and Rick
we had the best of times! Sightseeing by day
and playing pinocle by night! Grandpa and I were
always partners, because of Grandma and Rick! It always
worked out better that way!! In June of 1977
they came to Rockford for a visit and Grandpa had
a heart attack and passed away on 1 July 1977.
He is buried in Sunset Memorial Gardens in Rockford, IL.
Grandma was devastated but after a time she returned to
Yuma and her home there. Grandma died in Yuma
Az on 10 July 1985 and was flown to Rockford
and buried beside her beloved Charlie.

Grandma & Grandpa Cronkrite

To Harold & Marjorie(Cronkrite)Divan

To View Cronkrite, Furman, Hayner, Eddy, Dibb &
Reed Genealogy