sunil sunil sunil
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Well what the hell every homepage starts with the same crap any way. Here I'm just another number in this holy world.

Born and raised in nice, green village in the family I will never repay the love I had. Had nice time in my schooling with lots of friends, by the way the strong skill I have, "make more friends", I mean "GOOD" friends.

First time in my career downfall starts with my 10+2 where I miss my family and all my friends, end up with last in the race but not the least. Fate turned to positive hooked up with professional career. Got a nice, well I can't say nice but I have to admit nice professional graduation.

Still there is long story, but I guess this is enough for my intro. Thanks for your time for reading all this dumb crap. Keep going on to your browsing, I wish you all the best.


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