We started the year living in Federal Way WA. Angel spent a month in training at the American Airlines Flight Academy in Ft Worth TX, flying home on breaks for a couple days at a time. We began planning our big move back to Texas. On our minds was the 2,150 miles between Seattle WA and Ft Worth TX, and how to get there with two cars and two kids under 3.
In late February, Mary flew to San Antonio TX to drop off Alyssa & Aiden with Mary's parents--for three weeks. She then flew back for the move. We decided to put our car on a flat-bed trailer so we could be together on the long drive. We planned for 5 days: WA to Boise ID in one day; ID to Albuquerque NM the next two days; NM to Abilene TX in one day; and the last 180 miles on a Saturday morning right into our new house. Timing was critical, we even closed on our house via FedEx from Boise ID. Mary had only seen the house in video and pictures.
We drove to San Antonio the following weekend to have Alyssa's 3rd birthday party. Mary then spent 4 days in Boston for training for Weyerhaeuser. She was to continue to work for the WA company through the end of August, from the house--a great deal for us. A week later, we drove to Abilene TX to pick the kids up at Mary's grandfather's house. It had been over 3 weeks, and they were ready to come home and see their new house for the first time.
Meanwhile, Angel landed in his B737-800 for the first time on March 20th in San Jose CA. The flight attendants announced it to everyone aboard AFTER he had landed, which was embarrassing as they commented on their way out.
Angel commuted from DFW to Chicago O'Hare March, April and May, sharing a "crash pad" apartment with 11 other pilots in the same predicament, 6 from AA and 6 from United. In June, Angel transferred to Boston MA, even though it's a longer flight, to stay with his mom and step-dad. He expected to only commute until the end of the year, but now it seems it will be much longer than expected, and is looking to stay on the 737 out of Miami, or maybe switch aircraft (Super 80?) and transfer to DFW.
Mary continued to work for Weyerhaeuser from our home office. Telecommuting across 2,300 miles, she continued a project she helped start in Federal Way WA. We found daycare conveniently just a half-mile from our house. Alyssa, who had been moved from daycare at McChord AFB, and twice more in Federal Way, adapted for the 4th time in less than a year and made friends easily. Aiden made the adjustment just as well. Alyssa loves to interact with her friends at daycare.
As far as the Air Force reserves, Angel got a position as an Air Force Academy & ROTC Liaison Officer in the Ft Worth area. Although not a paid job, it does earn him points towards an Air Force Reserve retirement. So far he has done a few high school college fairs, but will eventually interview high school seniors who are candidates to the AF Academy.
It was a busy summer for us. Mary's parents Larry & Jo Ellen came for a visit in May from Del Rio TX, Angel's mom Isabel and step-dad Jerzy flew in for a visit from Boston MA on Aiden's 1st birthday in June, and Angel's dad Eladio flew in from Miami FL in July, for a reunion on Mary's mother's side of the family. It was great to have family drive and fly in to see us all summer.