What we have done so far this year!!!!!!! |
September 23, 1999: We played a string game to learn names. How it works is, one girl started with the ball of string. She held the loose end in one hand and called out the name of another girl in the circle and tossed the ball to her while holding onto the end of the string. The next girl pulled the sting tight and held it while she called another name and tossed the ball to her. This went on until everyone was holding part of the string. It looked like a spider's web. Then our leader asked one of the girls to pull on the string and asked who felt the string move. We all did. Our leader told us that this symbolized that we were all a part of a group or family. She taught us that what one girl does can affect everyone and that is why we have to respect eachother and our feelings. We also talked about having a welcoming ceremony during our meeting on October 5, 1999 where we take a trip into the Brownie Woods. Finally, we made sit-upons from shower curtains for all of us to sit on when we do activities outside so we don't get our uniforms wet or dirty. We had lots of fun and helped eachother. We are learning wonderful things and have much more to do and learn. This year is off to a great start. |
October 5, 1999: We completed the Girl Scout Ways Try-it. We had a welcoming Ceremony in the Brownie Woods to welcome all of us to Brownies. We then sat around and talked about what Girl Scouting is all about, what all the different sections of the Promise and Law means to each of us, and we practiced our Girl Scout Signs. Finally, we all looked at a big poster our leader made with a bunch of Try-Its on it and we all picked which one we thought would be fun to work on. Not all of us chose the same one but that is ok. Our leader wrote the name of each Try-It we picked on a piece of paper and Brittney picked one of the sheets and it was Her Story. So, that is what we are going to work on next. |
October 19, 1999: We had a picnic outside before our meeting started. Then we sat around and talked about our trip to the zoo scheduled for Saturday (October 23, 1999). We discussed how you act when you meet a strange animal or even an animal you know. We played animal charades and out leader makes a good chicken. We also learned about how our brain works and gives us dreams, makes our hearts beat while we are sleeping, and keeps us breathing. We found our pulses and our friends pulses, we learned about reflexes and made our legs jump by hitting the soft spot below our knee. We learned alot at this meeting and we did it all outside which we even more fun. |
October 23, 1999: We went to the Zoo today for "Girl Scout Day at the Zoo". It was Alanna, Brittney, Mary Elizabeth, Melody, Meredith, Rebecca, and Sebastian. We saw where the new Giant Panda's are going to be, we saw the cute little Red Panda, and lots of other animals. Our Leader created a game where we tried to find animals in a booklet she gave us and we were to figure out if they were Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores. We would then put a sticker that symbolized these different groups next to that animal. We had a lot of fun but it was also very cold outside. Maybe we can do it again when the weather is warmer. |
October 29, 1999: We had our first Halloween Party and it was fun. We played musical chairs, Monster Freeze, Stick the wart on the witch, and Halloween Bingo. We ate Hotdogs and some candy. We got lots of neat prizes and listened to some fun Halloween Music. It was great. Our leader dressed up like a cat. She looked neat. Can't wait to see what our next party may hold in store for us. |
November 2, 1999: We played a game with an exercise wheel and talked about how important exercise is to our bodies. We also played Simon Says, The Ice Cream Game, and a number game. We talked about Mackensie's trip to Hollywood where she and her mom got to be in a Movie. We also talked about bringing our Women's Issues workbooks to the next meeting as part of our "Her Story" Try-It. |
December 7, 1999: Today was a great day for our leader, she got to rest. A good friend of Clair's mom came to the meeting with a pre-assembled craft for us to do. She had taken green fabric and sewn them in the shape of trees. She brought a big box of filling and we stuffed them to make pillows. Then we put stars on them, jewels, and presents with craft glue. They are so cute. We want to thank Ms. Julia for her wonderful craft and help. It was really fun. |
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