We would like to congratulate Roseann, Brian, and Melody on their announcement that they are expecting a new baby, IT'S A BOY

September 28, 1999
Roseann Harrison (Melody's Mom) has been admitted to the hospital due to complications with her pregnancy.  We as a troop send our love and best wishes for her, her family, and her baby.  Roseann will be in the hospital until it is safe to deliver her son, his due date was in January. At our next meeting on October 5, our troop will be collecting money for a gift for Roseann and her family.  If you have any well wishes to send, please send an email to and we will make sure that she gets them.

October 6, 1999
IT'S A BOY!!!! Roseann and Brian had their son today, Brandon Scott Joseph Harrison, 1lb, 12oz, 12 inches long.  He is healthy for being 3 months early and will be in the ICU until his lungs develop a little more. Roseann is fine and doing well, she should be home on Friday.  Let's keep our prayers with Brandon and hope he comes home sooner than the doctors expect.  They say he should be in the hospital for about 3 months.  We wish them well. Below is the countdown for Brandon's arrival home!!

We send our deepest sympothy to Roseann, Brian, and Melody for their loss of their beloved son Brandon Scott Joseph Harrison.  He passed away on November 22, 1999.  Please send any sympothy or wishes to and we will make sure that they receive them.  Our hearts go out to them at this most fragile time in their lives.  May god bless them, keep them, and guide them.

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