People of Tetbury in 1735

Badnedge, The Workhouse,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.


The Workhouse Overseer 1735
In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 William Badnedge column 2

The Overseers paid 4d. a week for his eating.
He was involved in bringing Widow Lauder back to the Workhouse in Tetbury, account rendered May 15, 1735, died unexpectedly, soon after, and was not buried in Tetbury.
His annual salary for 1735 was 30-00-00

The Workhouse

Later work on Workhouses can be found at Peter Higginbotham's site

Clues to these people are few - for example Widow Warand was buried 17161210, and the Warand child from the Workhouse was buried on 17270519.

The record D566 L 7/8, is a list of payments made.

5 Oct 1722 Paid 12/6 being 5 quarters Charity Money
Living in the Alms House, being 8 rooms late owned by Mr Mayo
Susan Russell buried 17330220,
Widow Groom buried as Widow Grim 17250918,
William Davis, several of this name, one buried 17301129
Widow Butt, Mary, Widow of John Butt was buried on 17480118
Edward Boman was buried 17291231,
John Hobbs was buried 17240708,
Katharin Comely buried 17290305 and Hunt's wench buried 17240820,
Christian Norris and Priscilla Joys buried 17240808

A treasure was found at P328a OV 7/24,

Nov ye 5th, 1725
A List of the Names of ye poor persons in ye Workhouse as follows (Viz)
I sorted the 22 names into alphabetic order.
Samuel Allen's 2 children
George Chamber's Child
John Chapman buried 17260305
Samuel Chappell's Child
Katherin Comely buried 17290305  
Martin Crook buried 17270712
Henry Hunt
William Ind's Child
Goody Ingram
Widow Jones
Daniel King was buried 17260427
John King's Child became apprentice
William Leonard's 3 children
John Parker and Wife
Widow Phillips
Goody Portis buried on 17271208
Richard Rickett's 2 children
Hannah Seale buried 17320718
Gabriel Smart's Child
Richard Smith's Child
John West was buried 17290128
Mary West
William Simpson - out 2nd Nov, buried 17270409
Andrew Hannay dead ye 16 November about 4 a Clock

The treasure at P328a OV 7/24 also included a list of the Rules, which I did not copy, and the following

A List of those to Visit the Workhouse each month
Matthew Wilkins - Friday
Nathaniel Cripps - Munday
Hopeful Vokins - Tuesday
Chris Clark - Thursday
Thomas White - Overseer - Wednesday
Jonathan Hickocks - Overseer - Saturday

In 1735 Henry Bagnage was in charge of the Workhouse with 44 people counted as servants and paid 30 pounds salary. He died in 1736 - recorded in D 566 Z5, and was replaced by people who received a monthly allowance which appears to be for catering. The accounts for this time list goods used.
During 1735 Henry Bagnage features in the return of Susannah Archard to Estington, she broke her leg in Tetbury, and in the fetching of widow Elizabeth Launder and her family from Highworth.

The Overseers reports beginning 16 Nov 1741 in P328a OV 2/1 contains monthly lists of names, and a sum of money paid to Ann Stratford. These appear to be the residents of the Workhouse.

The four weeks Nov 16 - Dec 13, 1741
I sorted the 28 names into alphabetic order.
Nicholas Avery
Avery's boy
George Bennett
Elizabeth Bolton
Mary Bolton
Martha Constable's Child
John Eldridge
Eycott's Child (off 8 Feb)
Mary Farmer widow
Mary Gagg
Ann Ind
Jane Jones
Martin's Boy
Minchin's bastard child (off 11 Jan)
John Norton
Arthur Parker's dau
William Russell
Lidia Smith
Richard Smith
Rose Smith's Child
Widow Snow
Francis Stratford
Elizabeth Terrill
Mary Townsend
Ann Townsend
Hannah Vinson
Francis Webb
Mary West
Ann Stratford received 7 pounds 16 shillings and 3 pence for their care.
James Stratford and Richard Stratford are added Dec 14

The list ends in OV 2/2, in June 1755, when 9 people were catered for by Elizabeth Holt, who was paid 1-15-0. In the statement dated 1 May 1758 Elizabeth Holt receives 2-19-2 for about 10 people and in the Monthly accounts for 21 Aug 1758 Elizabeth Holt is paid 4-10-8 for 23 children.
In Febuary 1758 Sarah Parker's bastard child is sent to the Foundling House, at a cost of 1-3-0. The official papers did not survive.

I am sorry, I did not record more details, as I have only now realised the facts are significant of a change in policy concerning the Workhouse.

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
08-Feb 1741 (Old Date), Page 7 Workhouse Hollister's wife of Wickwar provided iron clamps for Workhouse 00-03-06
08-Feb 1741 (Old Date), Page 8 Workhouse Ann Stratford given 2 sacks of coal 00-02-08
08-Mar 1741 (Old Date), Page 39 Workhouse Thomas Mills glazed windows 01-06-10
24-May 1742, Page 66 Workhouse Thomas Watts Provided rope for Workhouse Well
19-Jul 1742, Page 76 Workhouse Thomas Morton for keeping the Door at Workhouse 01-06
11-Oct 1742, Page 87 Workhouse Samuel Dyer for Mending the Boyler Chimney at 03-09
06-Dec 1742, Page 96 Workhouse Rug for 01-07
06-Dec 1742, Page 96 Workhouse paid Thomas Watts for a bed cord at Workhouse 01-06
01-Aug 1743, Page 149 Workhouse paid Webb 04-06 for work done
21-Nov 1743, Page 165 Workshop had lock and staple made by Stockwell
19-Dec 1743, Page 169 Workhouse Thomas Watts paid 01-00 to mend well rope
13-Feb 1743 (Old date Page 177 Workhouse paid Widow Bubb 03-10 for work done
12-Mar 1743 (Old date) Page 182 Workhouse paid 00-05 for a knife
12-Mar 1743 (Old date) Page 182 Workhouse paid 00-07 for having a bucket pulled out of the Well
12-Mar 1743 (Old date) Page 182 Workhouse paid Francis Webb 02-08 for 2 days work
02-Apr 1744, Page 187 Workhouse paid 02-06 to a travelling woman big with child
30-Apr 1744, Page 210 Workhouse paid William Hinton 00-06 to repair the gate
20-Aug 1744, Page 225 Workhouse paid 10-00 for Travelling woman's laying in and other expenses
20-Aug 1744, Page 225 Workhouse paid Samuel Smith 01-04 for Mason's work
17-Sep 1744, Page 229 Workhouse Travelling woman taken to Justices 05-00
27-Nov 1745, Page 329 Workhouse purchased 4 sacks coal from Thomas Isaac, cost 06-00
17-Nov 1746, Page 385 Workhouse 18 pewter spoons cost 04-03
17-Nov 1746, Page 385 Workhouse 19 dishes, 2 pans and a pitcher cost 02-02
17-Nov 1746, Page 385 Workhouse 4 sacks of coal cost 06-00
17-Nov 1746, Page 385 Workhouse paid 01-03 to Daniel Tanner for mending furnace
09-Feb 1746 (Old date) Page 400 Workhouse floor mended by Daniel Tanner 02-03
06-Apr 1747, Page 408 Workhouse 8 sacks of coal cost 12-00
21-Sep 1747, Page 454 Workhouse paid Stockwell for mending an ear to the bucket Workhouse Well
19-Oct 1747, Page 458 Workhouse paid Edward Brown to glaze the windows
29-Apr 1748, Page 485 Workhouse got rug and bed mat made by Catherine Long

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 01-May 1749 Workhouse paid 10/- to have the little house emptied out
On 04-Feb 1754 Workhouse firepan made by William Baily cost 2/3
On 20-May 1754 Bed for Workhouse 16/8
On 20-May 1754 Workhouse quarter of coal 5/-
On 15-Jul 1754 Bed for Workhouse cost 10/-
On 23 Jan 1758 Coal for Workhouse cost 1/4
On 20 Mar 1758 Workhouse paid Samuel Bubb 17/6 for work done
On 24 Jul 1758 Workhouse cost of emptying the necessary house 8/-
On 11 Dec 1758 Coal for Workhouse cost 5/-

In 1851 the Workhouse shows little change.

1851 Census record, the day of 31 March, 1851
4 officials and 19 residents (called inmates)
Daniel W Smith aged 40, born in Horsley, is the Master.
Matron is his wife Susannah aged 26 born in Bisley and mother of 1 month old William born in Tetbury. Daniel's sister in Law Ruth Liddiatt born in Bisley, is the School Mistress.
Luke Cox 76 of Tetbury, Love Dyer 52 from Dursley,
Mary Packer 68 from Kingstone, James Stephens 61 of Tetbury,
Harriett Berry aged 33 of Tetbury,
and her children Mary 13, Susannah 10, John 6 and Charles aged 1
Ann Poole aged 10, and her 4 sisters Charlotte 8, Jane 6, Harriet 5 and Elizabeth aged 2
Brothers William (born in North Nibley) aged 9 and John Price (born in Tetbury) aged 8
Thomas Parker 14 born in Shipton, Eliza Woolford 12 born in Tetbury,
and Martha Prosser 7 born in North Nibley
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