Welcome to my home page on the 2001 Mission trip to Haiti. This site will contain pictures and journal entries from our trip, mostly from the second week when I was there.

On this site you will find a list of the personnel involved in 2001's Haiti mission, a page of songs we sang in bible school in both Creole and English (I will include phonetic pronunciation where possible), a collection of our own photographs and several I downloaded from the church's website (with a lot more on the church's website, I only have some), and several journal entries. Journal entries will include a short section from the first week that I downloaded from Christ Lutheran Church's website, my personal journal for the week that we were there, the journal of my friend Corey… and the journal for one of the 2003 team's members, our own long-term missionary to Haiti, Jay Brinkmeyer. (The man can write well - it's very descriptive and very good.)

For access to any and all of these things, click on the links below.


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