Here's a picture of my fishing truck taken on May 12th, 1999. The nicest thing about this truck is that it holds my fishing boat in the back. I keep it half inflated so that when we arrive where we want to fish I plug the air compressor into the truck's cigarette lighter and complete the job in just a few minutes and we are ready to launch.
I keep mentioning the boat so I suppose it's about time a picture shows up. On Friday when we go to Hutchinson Pond to fish I'll take a shot prior to catching our first fish.

Hopefully the fish finder will work to perfection and you'll see some large-mouth bass and trout along with the boat. The fish finder worked really good and we were able to locate plenty of fish. We caught 23 fish between the two of us but none of them were bass. The bass weren't chasing anything we threw at them.