Photo Gallery

Under Construction - 'cause I still have more to scan. Updated May 15, 2002

The Photo Gallery provides easy access to Educational Exhibits [like the poster displays you see at Iris Shows], Fun Stuff [like the quizzes that often accompany my programs], and Sibling Sheets [the next best thing to being able to look through my seedling notebooks]. 

The Individual Fact Sheets, originally accessible through the Gallery, are now linked directly from the alphabetized List of Cultivars because Checklist-style organization seems to be more convenient for most people.  

For those who've asked to see certain breeders, there's now a Seedling Gallery. You are welcome to browse, of course, if you're curious as to which lines people have been asking about. Just be forewarned that many of these photos have no explanatory text.

To speed downloading and have room for as many pictures as possible, the resolution has been optimized for display.  This means that although you can print them, you'll probably be disappointed in the picture quality because it will be no better than you see on screen.   


Educational Exhibits

These are like the poster-boards we prepare for the Educational Division of an iris show.


If you want to see examples of aril codes, see the Aril Chart [6 photos].


If you want to see examples of arilbred codes, see the Arilbred Chart [9 photos].


Click on "Hooked Leaves" to see a description and example of the characteristic that can serve as an indicator of coming bloom [1 photo].


Click on Onco Species to see examples of the ones that are ancestors of our modern arilbreds – and read about the ones that aren't [11 photos].


Click on Regelia Species to see examples of the ones that are ancestors of our modern arilbreds – and read about the ones that aren't [3 photos].


Click on Regeliocyclus to see examples of first generation crosses between the diploid regelia species I. korolkowii and various onco species [4 photos].

  Click on Photo Pairs to see examples of how such factors as lighting conditions and age of the flower can affect pictures.


Fun Stuff

These are puzzles and quizzes like I've used in programs, so there are no answers posted! Click here [Sharon McAllister] to discuss your answers by e-mail. I don't want to spoil anyone's fun by posting the answers on-line – but some of these are tricky, so don't just assume that your answers are right.


If you want to test your knowledge of the aril classification codes, take the Aril Quiz [6 photos].


If you want to test your knowledge of the arilbred classification codes, take the Arilbred Quiz [9 photos].


If you want to test your ability to recognize species traits, take the Onco Quiz [6 photos].


Click on Photo Quiz, if you want to test your ability to distinguish among cultivars on the basis of pictures alone [8 photos].


Seedling Gallery

Popular Parents presents the ones I've used the most, providing a convenient set of links to both those of its offspring I've introduced and to some that were passed over. Although none of these pages are complete, they do provide a glimpse into the process of evaluating a breeder's potential.  So far, your choice is only Koko Knoll or Whirlwind Romance.

Sibling Sheets present family portraits:  the pod parent, the pollen parent, and a representative selection of their offspring (none include every seedling produced by the cross). This provides a better overall perspective of the potential of a cross than would be attainable from looking at only the introductions. This is the fastest and easiest way to explore the Seedling Gallery if you know the number of the cross or are waning to find out what a specific cultivar has produced. 

In the Seedling Gallery, you can browse through a lot of pictures.  There are no more "private pages" -- all seedling photos are now posted here, regardless of who asked to see them. Just click on any "thumbnail" to see a larger picture.  (This is a major re-work, which may still have some undetected broken links, so I hope you'll let me know about any you encounter.)

Many of these pictures have no accompanying text, because they've been posted for someone who's interested in a particular line and already knows about the cross. If one of these strikes your fancy, you may be able to find out more about it in its Sibling Sheet.  If there's no Sibling Sheet, the number of the cross will lead you to its pedigree in the Breeder's Digest.  

Just browsng?  Look through the Thumbnail Gallery.  It has a wide selection, but because it is so large it takes a long time to load. 

Interested in specific types?  They're coming, organized by the type of cross.  So far, you can choose from the AABB-BBBB (classic quarterbreds), the AAB-BBBB (a less conventional means of obtaining quarterbreds), the ABB-AABB and ABBB-AABB (wide crosses that can produce both quarterbreds and halfbreds), Halfbreds (to be expanded later), and the AA-AABB and AAAA-AABB (both of which produce 3/4-breds).

If you want to learn more about chromosome-set nomenclature, check out the Fertile Families page. 


Cultivar Lists



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  Visitors Since 11/4/2000


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© 1998-2002 by Sharon McAllister