If you're interested in where the material came from and why it's presented this way, scroll down. If not, just click on the letter you want to explore -- and ENJOY! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P QR S T UV W XYZ A "workspace", not a comprehensive list. This is the online version of my original Breeders Card File. I had just turned from fun-with-pollen-daubing to serious hybridizing when the 1976 ASI Checklist was published so my copy quickly became dog-eared. I then made two copies, one to highlight as I identified fertile cultivars [the beginning of the Descendant Analysis book] and one to cut up. I then pasted a copy of the listing for any breeder I was interested in onto an index card, taped a photo to the back of it if I had one, and made notes on the card about the cultivar's potential. The typical entry provided here follows the same pattern and thus contains much more information than is found in most of today's catalogs. Descriptions. Pedigrees. Pictures, if available. Hybridizing tips for those that are fertile. For my own introductions, often some background about the cross and selection. I've frequently added material not published elsewhere, taken from my master file where I keep notes about what certain breeders have produced, my future breeding plans, and tidbits I've used in slide shows. In some cases, the descriptions are much more detailed than those published in official Checklists. These are difficult to find for many of the older cultivars, because color codes were used instead of descriptions for registrations before 1950. This poses a special problem for arils and arilbreds, whose intricate patterns did not fit neatly into the system. For many years, I've collected published descriptions, cross-checked them, and separated the ones that were clearly first-hand observations from those that were merely translations of codes. The descriptions I've used are not merely a translation of old codes, but the best I've been able to develop by drawing on a variety of sources. Have I convinced you that you also need complete, official publications? Of so, you'll find more information about what is available on my Checklists page. McAllister's Iris Garden Home Page
This site may be freely linked, but not duplicated © 1998-2002 by Sharon McAllister |