Our reasons for homeschooling:
Our belief is that ulitmately the education of our children is our responsibility.
I was not happy with my public school education and much of my husband's education came
from his love for reading, not from what he was taught in school.
I would like to have more control over what my children learn.
I would also like to be able to teach my children at their own pace, not the pace of
the majority of students in their class. My children learn about God and His creation
in every subject that we study. We learn to live together as a family,
every minute of everyday...not just after school and on weekends.

As time permits, I will be adding articles on homeschooling to this part of my site. Please check back!
One of the toughest parts of homeschooling is deciding what is age appropriate. How do you choose what to teach and when?
I have included a Typical Course of Study to help you decide what and when.
Course of Study
If you are looking for curriculum books, check out my list of publishers!
Curriculum Publishers
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