My First Pair Of Hamsters
Well, the first pets I have is 2 hamsters. They are gold in colour! That was when I was in Primary 3. My mother did not know about it then as she was always object to having pets. She thinks that my hamsters are very smelly and ulgy! Well, I still kept my hamsters after she objected. I kept it in the drawer of my study table!! I had it for about 6 months to a year ( I cannot remember!!! ) My male hamster died when he was drowned! You will be probably wondering why. That was because he was swimming in the basin or actually, I was bathing him and the other female hamster. He just sort of have a cramp and was struggling in the water. I rescued him and tried to pump the water out of his lungs! (I was only 9, okay) HE did not survive even though I actually did manage to pump the water out. The female one died when I tried to bring her to school in my "Pringles" potato chip can for my friends to see. She died of suffocation when i put her in the trunk of my father's motorcycle.( I was still only 9, okay) I dumped her in the waste paper basket in my class after she had been confirmed dead by me & my friends. The strangest thing is that I did not cry at all ! And my mother never did find out about them!
My second pair of hamsters
My second pair of hamsters are brown and gold , which are female and male ones respectively. They are wonderful! They lived in harmony together until they have their "first born". I discovered that the female one was a little bloated in the tummy. After a week, she gave birth while I was on the phone. What I noticed is that the male one was eating something. As I did not give them any meat that day, I saw, from the remains of the "food", was the body of a baby hamster ! The female one was really angry and she attacked him and bit him. He bleeded alot and I have to remove him in case there will be more hamster comimg later, which never did. Ever since then , they were always fighting! As the male one was smaller in size, he was always bitten half to death ang always bleeding.Their relationship improved when they have 4 more hamsters! 2 brown 2 gold! They are soooo cute ! My father gave the brown ones away before I saw them. (Did I mention that my mother found out about the hamster and my father took them to the roof of his office? ) Well, the 2 gold babies were also given away. My female one got lost when she escaped out of her cage one day. And the male one died when the building caught fire. That was the last time I ever have a hamster.
First Rabbit
I had my first rabbit , a white one when I was in kindergaten. It was a very big and fat one. I still remember that I always picked wild grass & wild flowers on the way home For that greedy rabbit. It liked to eat carrots as I remembered that it ate a big long one in less then a minute!
second Rabbit
My second rabbit was given to me by my swimming coach when I was in secondary one. It was a brown one. It was a very very intelligent one. As I always let it out of it's cage for exercise, it knew that it should not pee in my house . Therefore, it always hop back to its cage to do its business and the come out again. It was so smart that it knew how to open its door! But , when it saw me, it was very intelligent to get back to its cage once it saw me. My father gave it away when we went for a holiday. I still miss it now.
I have my first dog when I was in scondary two. My father got it from a friend. I called it "Boy". It was very tame at first but became naughtier and smelly. It liked to bark whenever you open the front door. And this disturbs the neighbours. It is not obedient at all as it will not respond when you call him, only sometimes when it is begging for food. I can say that he is always hungry and greedy. I had him for about 6 months plus. My father put him at his friend's house when we went for a vacation, but never had him back as my father's friend grew in love with it! ( He will Know that later....that dog knows how to act! ) As my mother is always protesting, my father gave BOY to his friend. Until now , the balcony still smells of it. YUCK!
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