Welcome to my Guestbook! Feel free to look around!

abcde - 12/03/99 04:59:10
your file size of ur photo is too big.....it take too long to load the pic pic r quite dark..... when u scan change the contrast then it will be lighter

Michelle - 11/28/99 13:10:56
My Email:librachelle@hotmail.com
Birthday: 4/10/83
country: Singapore
religion: Buddist
u know, your homepage is very sweet, though perhaps for more variety, u can put different songs for diff pages... Oh by the way, the song u put for the main page is great... Erm.. if it is not too much trouble, could u send it to me, please? Thanks... By ...

sHaRon - 09/23/99 04:07:36
My URL:http://www.sharchic.cjb.net
My Email:all_star_chic@chickmail.com
Birthday: jan 5
country: taiwan
religion: christian
hey there girl whats up? i just saw ur site from my friend since u signed his homepage:

yo... man...sup... me LJ...hanging round ur page.. laughing (j/k)... u got a great site here man... cum visit mine above.... just wanted u to have one of my pix... if it works... keep it up man.... tell me when u come back o maryland... we'll get 2 getha 4 coffee or sumthin.... cya

Taku Ashu - 09/10/99 09:54:20
My URL:http://jump.to/takuashu
My Email:tashu74@yahoo.com
Birthday: 25th.April 1974
country: Cameroon,Africa
religion: Protestant
Excellent webpage and very informative.You're an execellent source of information.Keep up with the hard work.Taku Ashu

tracy ng - 07/28/99 10:54:54
My Email:yuna_ng@mailcity.com
Birthday: 6 august
country: s'pore
i like your homepage. cute!

cableguy-2000 - 07/23/99 16:36:49

KOecki - 06/21/99 09:32:43
Birthday: 17.7.85
country: singapore
religion: *********

Ripster - 05/21/99 08:42:59
My Email:lionel_lee@hotmail
Birthday: dunno
country: S,pore
religion: I belong to Christ
Hi ,nice page u got here keep it up ,cute music ,well don't mind me I am juz passing through

fee_a_lla - 03/22/99 11:02:43
My Email:ocean_deep@hotmail.com
Birthday: 23/3
country: fRoM thE wORlD oF feeLiaNs
religion: Christian
niCe oNE... it'S great....hmm....dUnno wat to write God bless~*

Jason Lau - 03/21/99 10:49:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/yexiang/
My Email:lovejl@singnet.com.sg
Birthday: 5 May 1983
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
Hihi again...Nice backgrounds this time...much improvement and more to go... Please guide me in creating my baby homepage hor...wanna learn from you leh... God bless

Weiling - 02/25/99 10:56:20
My Email:the.kohs@pacific.net.sg
Birthday: 8th Nov 81
country: Singapore
Not bad. Keep going!

Wong Xingkai - 02/05/99 09:17:30
My Email:paulwongxk@hotmail.com
Birthday: 28/08/83
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
Er...hmmmmmmm..... Now to express my comments.....

Oh Ai Ni Irene - 01/28/99 09:40:05
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ohan
My Email:ohani@hotmail.com
Birthday: 10/2/83
country: Singapore
religion: Free thinker
Great for a beginner. Keep up the good work. Hope to see more stuffs on your homepage soon.

minyi - 01/27/99 10:39:23
My Email:girlie182@hotmail.com
Birthday: 20 may
country: singapore

Little Angel - 01/23/99 15:39:32
My Email:dunno@dunno.net.sg
Birthday: want to sent mi present huh?
country: Singapore
religion: Guess???????
Well Done!!!! Photos and wordings are well lay-out.... Keep up the good work! With Best Wishes, ur cousin.

Jason Lau Ye Xiang - 01/23/99 14:25:00
My Email:lauyexiang@netscape.net
Birthday: 5 May 1983
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
Lingjia, Love the Lord you God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

xianghui - 01/23/99 14:05:09
My URL:http://geocities.com/area51/dreamworld/1263/
My Email:hui12345@mbox5.singnet.com.sg
Birthday: 7/8/83
country: singapore
religion: christianity
hi Lingjia continue to trust in the lord and he will bless u . May the Lord be wif u all the days of ur life

Yan Shan - 01/23/99 13:03:34
My Email:yshan@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
Birthday: 25.11.83
country: Singapore
Hello Lingjia, i like your homepage ! i need u to teach mi how to do one for myself free must teach mi ok?

Jiayi - 01/16/99 15:26:15
My Email:jiayi@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
Birthday: 21/10/1983
country: Singapore
Hi Lingjia, Your webpage is good...First time doing leh.. i wonder how wll it be like if i make one. Hee... However, all yur pictures those taken when u r young. When are your present pictures?

Lin Jin - 12/22/98 09:02:05
My Email:jeanon22@hotmail.com
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
Hi! You homepage is even better after being updated. At least I can see my picture. Hahaha!!! Hope that you will continue to add more things to it.

Alvin Koh - 12/10/98 14:04:45
My Email:alvin_07@hotmail.com
Birthday: 12th July 1980
country: Singapore
religion: Free Thinker
not bad lah.....for a first timer.. keep up the good work!!! haha

Chow Hao - 12/08/98 16:13:25
Hahahahahah...Wat a nice Webpage....Muz exchange pointers lah

Zhou Hao - 12/08/98 16:07:16
My Email:rocky5@pacific.net.sg
Birthday: 10/10/81
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
Not bad for a first timer lor....... hehehehehe can improve lor...need any help juz come to me lor

Margaret - 12/06/98 02:05:56
My Email:magpiglet@hotmail.com
country: USA
religion: Christian
ok,U don't know me...but I am your brother's friend.Pretty good homepage;I like reading the stories about your pets.Hope to see pictures next time.

Yunxin Lee - 12/06/98 01:02:22
My Email:jnnleeynn@pacific.net.sg
Birthday: 18th Jan 1982
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
Waw.never thought you love animals soooo much..me too .Have a parrot at home so you can consider to have one also.*hehehe* YOu have done a great job for your homepage.Keep up !!!!!! God bless

Yifan - 12/05/98 18:32:23
My Email:eikfun@singnet.com.sg
Birthday: 22nd April 1979
country: Singapore
religion: Chrisitian
Wonder when mine coming out?

Jessica Tham - 12/05/98 15:50:58
My Email:feltham@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
Birthday: 7th of August
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity

Lin Jin - 12/05/98 04:58:13
country: Singapore
religion: Christianity
For a beginner, I think you have done quite well. But I hope to see my pictures in your website next time.

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