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I have number of hobbies but the major ones are under!!




note.gif (1565 bytes) Music:     Well, music is one of my major hobbies. I like singing very much, though I do not sing very well but still I am satisfied with my voice. I am also a keyboardist and am taking regular classes for it also. Till now I am kinda confident in playing the keyboard. I can play many other musical instruments like flute, harmonium, tabla etc.

          I have recorded few cassettes of my own but the songs I've sung are mostly Indian and Pakistani(already sung by other singers).

          I have also took part in several musical contests held in Alhamra Art Council and Jinnah open-air theatre on behalf of my school.

          You can listen to my songs by downloading the following MP3s :

1. Kash tum mujhsey eik bar kaho [click here to download]

2. Chura liya hai tumney jo dil ko   [click here to download]


           I am also very fond of listening to music, but my choice is kinda selective. Among the Indian playback singers, my favourite is Kumar Sanu. I dont listen to English songs very much. Among them I like very few. e.g Unbreak my heart(Tony), Careless Whisper(George Micheal), Only when I sleep(The Corrs), You flew away(BoyZone) and Right here wating for you(Richard Marx)  are some of my favourites.

cd.gif (1598 bytes) Electronics: Making a collection of different electronic equipments have always been my hobby. I always want to get newer and better electronic equipments, for example, new personal stereos, sound systems, diskman, media players, stereos for my cars etc. I always try to buy the latest item from the market, may it be the sound system, vocal soung processor or anything else.



black-yellow.gif (1781 bytes) Chatting on the phone: I have another hobby of mine, I chat alot on phone with my friends in my spare time. My home mates are fed up of this habbit of mine. My parents are always yelling at me to put down the receiver!! Further Mr. Nawaz Sharif has disturbed my routine alot by multimetering the local phone calls and now raising their rates recently.

            Other than the above hobbies I have several other 'mini' hobbies like hanging out with my friends for hours and enjoying their company at several restaurants. Here is the picture of some of my class fellows and friends :


The picture will be added later!


I also like driving my car, especially when the weather is cool and misty outside. I also sit at my PC and browse the internet sites along with that I chat with some of my IRC friends.



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