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You can get know a bit about me in here!!!



   I am a Sagittarius and will be 19 on this 27th of November, 2000. I have a family of six members; we are 2 brothers and 2 sisters.



book.gif (1167 bytes) My academic position and goals:

    Currently I am studying in York University in Canada.

family.gif (1638 bytes) About me and my firends:

    I like laughing and giggling when with my friends . I preffer jokes and other funny things when I am with my friends beacause life has got all kinda tensions with it and I think that if I'll miss those moments of joy with my friends, I'll be just a living robot with no feeling but all the tensions in my mind. Apart from this I am very sensitive concerning my friends and some other special people(special for me i mean). I just can't bear any kind of break up with any of my friend and also I can't tolerate if any of my friend ignores me. Breaking a friendship is the most horrible thing I can imagin. May be its because I've tasted its experience already!! Ahhhh....forget it.

    I always believe in trusting my friends. I dont hasitate in doing that. May be thats the reason why I lost many of them. :) :)   But there are few friends of mine which are just like brothers and sisters to meand I guess I can't go without them! :)



bg-gray.gif (1630 bytes) Some words about LOVE:  

    Love is an emotion which cannot be controlled nor it can be directed. Its simply an accidental phenomenon. A person who is being loves by you can also be the one you hate alot.

    Love, bieng uncontrolable, is very dangerous but on the other very interesting too. When a person you love starts loving you, the world changes in to a "paradise" for you but if not then the world seems nothing but a severe burning part of Hell!!   

    In the last I would like to say that the best way to express your emotions(love) is poetry, may it be a song or some simple verses.

My hobbies and interests:

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