Aviation Amusement Parks Automotive Banking Canadian Government Programs And Services Careers Comic Strips Computer Manufacturers Contests Cooking & Recipes Couriers Deaf & Sign Language Resources Online Dictionarys Online Encyclopedias And Other Useless Information Education Entertainment Technology Information & Online Tech Support Freeware & Shareware Sites Health World History Hobbies Home Improvement Jokes Newspapers & Magazines & TV Stations Science Solar Power Sports Travel Truck Drivers Online Resources TV TV & Book Series Homepages | ![]() |
This Page Has Links To Online Dictionarys And Encyclopedias And Other Useless InformationOnline Dictionarys And EncyclopediasDictionary.com is an online dictionary and thesauras.The Canadian Encyclopedia is an online dictionary and history book. Infoplease.com has an online almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia and much, much more information including; This Day in History, Today's Birthday, Word of the Day, Year in Review, 2004 Calendar, Timelines, Country Profiles, Disasters, Periodic Table, Conversion Tool, Perpetual Calendar, Year by Year. OneLook Dictionary Search is a search engine for words and phrases: If you have a word for which you'd like a definition or translation, they'll quickly shuttle you to the web-based dictionaries that define or translate that word. If you don't know how to spell the word, they'll help you do that too. No word is too obscure: More than 5 million words in more than 900 online dictionaries are indexed by the OneLook® search engine.
What can you do at OneLook.com? YourDictionary.com is an online dictionary and thesauras and more. Yahoo! Education is a comprehensive resource for Education content and tools including: online reference books, college and grad school preparation materials, student resources, and distance learning opportunities. Britannica.com Using your old Encyclopædia Britannica volumes as doorstops may seem disrespectful, but you won't be needing the books anymore. All the content is online, nicely organized so that searching on Charles Lindbergh also brings up an entry on Bruno Hauptmann (his son's kidnapper). You'll also get links to related articles from more than 70 journals and magazines. Glass Encyclopedia aims to be the reference source on glass. CancerWeb has an online medical dictionary and links to other medical information including journals and more. This site also has information on almost all types of cancers. Don Markstein's Toonopedia lists every cartoon published in North America's newspapers (you can't view them here), and gives detail information on the cartoons including creator, start date, etc... Webopedia.com is an online encyclopedia of computer technology. ZD Webopedia.com is an online encyclopedia of computer technology. CSI's website has character bios, a real dictionary on crime scene technology which includes tools, evidence and procedures. This tv show is fictional but the procedures and techology are real. This tv show is educational even though it is fiction. Bartleby.com: Free Great Books Online -- Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Thesaurus and hundreds more. These books can also be downloaded and or searched. TechEncyclopedia.com is an online encyclopedia of computer technology. Encyclopedia.com is an online encyclopedia. Merriam-Webster Online has a dictionary, and thesaurus. Young readers can play language in Word Central, where games, puzzles, and quizzes show how much fun they can have with words. Acronym Finder.com this website boasts that it is the web's most comprehensive database of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. ASL Fingerspelling has a great fingerspelling dictionary as well as a converter, which provides the correct fingerspelling for any word you type into the dictionary. There is also a quiz to test your knowledge Deaf World Web has a online sign language dictionary and has the history of deaf activities and events. Also has access to other resources. RxList has information on pharmaceutical drugs, including warnings, interactions, dosages, and overdose treatments. You can also search by imprint codes, the little numbers engraved on pills. Library Spot.com is a launch pad to almanacs, dictionaries, databases, online calculators and much more. Very usefull. Epicurious Food Epicurious Food does more than post features from bon appétit and Gourmet magazines. It caters to fledging chefs, culinary artists, and folks who just like to eat. Streaming videos teach cooking techniques, 13,000 recipes help you branch out, a dictionary of 4000 ingredients and a wine section steers you to the best vino. NetLingo is a fast, easy-to-search dictionary of words, phrases, and brand names commonly found on the internet. Infoplease.com is a search engine that will get you any information you ask for. (Like the population of a country or the GNP of a country or anything else. Graphicmaps.com This site by WorldAtlas.com, supplies 'The List' of continents, countries, dependencies, islands, territories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, and the highest, lowest, biggest, smallest, tallest, deepest places on planet earth. Web-Holidays.com has information, crafts, recipes, and trivia on all the world's holidays. Home Central has help for the DIY crowd, including a How-to section for renovation projects and a tool dictionary. Internet Picture Dictionary The Internet Picture Dictionary is a free, online multilingual picture dictionary designed especially for ESL students and beginning English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language learners of all ages. Activities for students allow them to correct the stinky spelling (misspelled words with the picture right above) and unscramble letters to form the correct word. JungleWalk contains extensive links to animal movies, sound clips, photos, and information. Organized in layman terms rather than scientific classification to keep the site accessible to the younger crowd. The site is a great resource, especially when combined with other web resources lacking sound and video. Animals include these categories: Single-Celled, Sponges, Coelentrates, Worms, Insects, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Molluscs, Echinoderms, Invertebrates, and Vertebrates. Can also browse alphabetically by animal or use a keyword search.
And Other Useless InformationDid You Know has tons of useless but interesting information.The FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List is presented at this official FBI web site. The FBI is offering rewards for information leading to the apprehension of Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Check each fugitive page for the specific amount. Everyrule.com has almost every rule in the book from beach ball to warfare. Consumer.gov (USA) is your consumer resource from the federal government. The Atlas of Canada provides the most interesting, dynamic and comprehensive collection of maps and related information about Canada available anywhere on the Internet, with effective and intuitive tools for users to access them. Atlapedia Online contains full color physical maps, political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world. Little People of America assists dwarfs with their physical and developmental concerns resulting from short stature. By providing medical, environmental, educational, vocational, and parental guidance, short-statured individuals and their families may enhance their lives and lifestyles with minimal limitations. Through peer support and personal example, their members are supportive of all those who reach out to LPA. Lastly, by networking with national and international growth-related and genetic-support groups, LPA enhances knowledge and support of short-statured individuals. Evite.com this site helps you organize any kind of event and meetings. eHow.com answers questions like how do you set a table, how do you treat a cold. The World Gazetteer site provides current population figures for cities, towns and places of all countries along with the largest cities of the world and current national flags. All information at this site is free unlike other sites listed on this section of this page. FBI's Internet Fraud Complaint Center serves as a first point of contact with law enforcement agencies that specialize in investigating online fraud. Canada's Digital Collections is first stop for hundreds of links to Canadian History, science and technology, culture and aboriginal affairs. Canadian Internet Registration Authority W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) are the folks who set many of the web's standards Canadian Heritage website is where you can learn when and why Canadians celebrate certain holidays. Product Recalls is the FDA's product recalls website which tells you what products have been recalled and why. This website has an archive on product recalls. PC Mechanic offers free tech support on computers and the internet. This site also has complete information from "How to build a computer" to what each component does. Cocoapro.com has the history of chocolate, has videos and documents on how chocolate is made, games and more. The Middle East Information Network is a super-portal for information about this region. It has articles on education, religion, and country specific statistics. The Seven Wonders of the World website is where you can learn about the world's architectural wonders built by the ancient civilizations of Greece, Turkey, and Egypt. This site uses text, illustrations and a timeline to describe them. A few added bonuses are sections on modern marvels such as the CN Tower. SpeedGuide.net focuses on system performance, with areas including Broadband Internet connections, Windows, Overclocking, all targeted towards a technically aware audience. A large section of SpeedGuide.net is dedicated to Cable Modems and DSL technology, stressing on improving TCP/IP performance over high speed/latency networks. HowStuffWorks.com Illustrated guides take you on tours of engines, ATMs, allergies, and more. Orion Computer Blue Book lists the resale value of computer equipment. Uselessknowledge.com has tons of interesting facts. dMarie Time Capsule Type in day/month/year and it will tell you what happen that day, who was born, and more. Whois.net provides alsorts of information on any website you can think of (phone numbers, etc.) Everyrule.com has almost every rule in the book from beach ball to warfare. Filext.com Everyone knows that .jpg files are JPEG images, but did you know that a .jms file is a Voxtron TeleButler Graphical Voice Response Call Flow file? Of course not. That's just one of the arcane file extensions this site defines for you. The Rothschild Petersen Patent Model Museum has tiny toy like replicas of turn-of-the-century patent products. Eeggs.com The term "Easter Egg", as used here, means any amusing tidbit that creators hid in their creations. They could be in computer software, movies, music, art, books, or even your watch. There are thousands of them, and they can be quite entertaining, if you know where to look. A couple of our favorites are the "Spy Hunter"-like game in Microsoft Excel 2000 and the "Wacky Search Menu" in Internet Explorer 5. This site will help you discover Easter Eggs in the things you see and use everyday, and let you share Easter Eggs you discover with the rest of the world. EggHeaven2000.com The term "Easter Egg", as used here, means any amusing tidbit that creators hid in their creations. They could be in computer software, movies, music, art, books, or even your watch. There are thousands of them, and they can be quite entertaining, if you know where to look. A couple of our favorites are the "Spy Hunter"-like game in Microsoft Excel 2000 and the "Wacky Search Menu" in Internet Explorer 5. This site will help you discover Easter Eggs in the things you see and use everyday, and let you share Easter Eggs you discover with the rest of the world. DVDeasteregg.com The term "Easter Egg", as used here, means any amusing tidbit that creators hid in their creations. They could be in computer software, movies, music, art, books, or even your watch. There are thousands of them, and they can be quite entertaining, if you know where to look. A couple of our favorites are the "Spy Hunter"-like game in Microsoft Excel 2000 and the "Wacky Search Menu" in Internet Explorer 5. This site will help you discover Easter Eggs in the things you see and use everyday, and let you share Easter Eggs you discover with the rest of the world. Slipups.com The term "Slip-Up", as used here, means any amusing accidental blooper or mistake that wasn't caught, and made its way to the viewing public. They can be inconsistencies in movies, like an actor wearing something in one shot, and it's missing in the next shot. Or they can be funny errors in books. If it's a Slip-Up that is entertaining, accidental, and in a popular medium where others can see the Slip-Up for themselves, we want it posted in this archive. Netcraft.com Type a URL into Netcraft's home page form and find the site's operating system, its type of server, its netblock owner, and how long it has run without a crash. Check out "What We Found" on page 90 to see Netcraft in action. Biograhpical Directory of the United States Congress 1774 - Present. Embassyworld.com Three specialized directories and search engines here. First, embassies and consulates of all countries in all other countries. Second, dialling codes and telephone rates/min from any country to any other country, with links to searchable online phone directories throughout the world. Thirdly all the world's maps will be found from here. For all countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Rulers of the world This site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government (and de facto leaders not occupying either of those formal positions) of all countries and territories, going back to about 1700 in most cases. You can find lists by month of the comings and goings in national governments from 1996 to the present. This is a great resource when studying government structures in different nations. Aneki.com: Country Information, Regional and World Rankings This site is easy to navigate and provides statistical facts, figures, rankings and general information for over 190 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, North America, Central America, South America, and Oceania. Skyscrapers.com leads the world as the most comprehensive building database with the focus on tall buildings. Experienced correspondents from over 20 countries report 24/7 on new projects and developments. They write lively and informative commentaries, supplying the public with up-to-date photography and graphic material along with exciting interviews. In addition, users have access to news, company profiles, floor plans, and renderings. In short: a broad spectrum of information. Nowhere else will you find such broad-based information on the topic of tall buildings. Not only the knowledge-hungry surfer but professionals of all kinds find their way to Skyscrapers.com: among them banks, real estate agencies, insurance companies, architecture and engineering firms, contractors, and allied businesses. This site also gives population stats on countries and most of the major cities in the world. Also this site lists the 200 tallest skyscrapers in the world. Airsafe.com It's one of the Web's great misnomers. In operation since July 3, 1996, just two weeks before the crash of TWA Flight 800, AirSafe.com tells you everything you wanted to know about airline fatalities but were afraid to ask. You can peruse a database detailing every fatal event of the past 31 years and check out a list of celebrity plane crashes. Hoover's Online For a site that pitches a $29.95-per-month subscription, Hoover's gives you plenty for free. The company's capsules link you to news, sec filings, and key financial data for more than 14,000 companies. The IPO section and dot-com Deathwatch List let you track the winners and losers of the new economy. Earth Calendar is a daybook of holidays and celebrations around the world. Holidays are listed by date, country, and religion. The Toxic House is totally Flash-driven, provides a quick and interesting overview of the dangerous chemicals in our very own homes! It's one of several interactive offerings found at http://www.cbc.ca/tvarts/interactive and offered by CBC Television (Canada). As you explore various rooms in the Toxic House, you discover bad things. Links take you to more information about the toxin. It's simple, yet engaging. Flags of the World site delivers information on vexillology (the study of flags). In addition, you can read more than 18,000 pages about flags and view more than 33,000 images of flags. Earthquake Hazards Program site by the U.S. Geological Survey provides the lastest information on worldwide earthquake activity, earthquake science, and earthquake hazard reduction. Also available are maps of recent U.S. earthquake activity. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Ready.gov is a common sense framework designed to launch a process of learning about citizen preparedness. One of the primary mandates of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is to educate the public, on a continuing basis, about how to be prepared in case of a national emergency – including a possible terrorist attack. Melissa Data Area Code and Zip Code Look-ups The site offers numerous U.S. demographic look-ups including: "Lookup ZIP Codes, city names, the location of phone numbers or the cities covered by an area code." - "Enter any street name in the U.S. and get a listing of which states and cities have the street name. Even displays local street address detail." - "2000 Income tax information by ZIP Code. Includes average AGI, number of returns, average refund, filing status, age and more." - "Lookup any Canadian address and get the Postal Code, time zone and area code." - "Displays a listing of the Area Code + Prefixes and Zip Codes that fall within a radius." - "Obtain a list of the ZIP Codes in any county in the United States." Chiefs Of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments. Docusearch.com gives all the necessary information about whomever you ask about LeapIt.com has information for IT's PrePass is an automatic vehicle identification (AVI) system that allows participating transponder equipped commercial vehicles to bypass designated Weigh Stations, Port-of-Entry Facilities and Agricultural Interdiction Facilities. Cleared vehicles may proceed at highway speed, eliminating the need to stop. That means greater efficiency for shippers and improved safety for all highway users. MBNA's ShopSafe if you do buy something from a telemarketer, I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you about single-use credit card numbers. Instead of using your regular credit card number, you generate one on the fly that's good for a set amount and a specific length of time. (This unfortunanly is only available in the USA) Also check out the article Home Office: Wily Tricks to Thwart E-Thieves www.terrafly.com This site by the School of Computer Science at Florida International University, allows users to view Geographic Information Systems images either by place (longitude/latitude) or street address. A unique feature of this service allows users to view the images continuously and seamlessly, giving the user a feeling of 'flying over' the photographed land areas. www.travel.dk.com/wdr has more than 5,000 illustrations, charts, and diagrams, over 600 maps, 25,000 facts and statistics on every country in the world. Citizenship and Immigration Canada U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service National Anthems of the World 1500 page site offers a wealth of information on the National Anthems for the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe National Inventors Hall of Fame Food Safety Website is North Carolina Cooperative Extension's Food Safey Information "gateway" containing over 600 food safety links. The site is divided into 10 main categories: Meat, Fish & Seafood, Poultry Milk & Dairy, Eggs, Fruits, Hot Topics, Vegetables, Resources, and Organisms of Concern. If a simple, low tech resource is what you are looking for, this is it. www.statistics.gov.uk This is the official UK statistics site. You can view and download a wealth of economic and social data free. The Museum of Broadcast Communications (MBC) is one of only two broadcast museums in America. Located in the Chicago Cultural Center on Michigan Avenue at Washington Street since the summer of 1992, the extensive public archives collection houses more than 70,000 radio and television programs and commercials. Within the MBC are state-of-the-art studios, spacious screening suites, special galleries and the museum's own gift shop. The museum's unique interactive exhibits attract a diverse group of visitors-from students researching the history of radio and television to senior citizens reminiscing about the great moments in their lives. Apple-History is the history of the Apple computers. This site also has the specifications on all the Apple computers ever built.