Descendants of Lewis F. Smith
of Frederick County Va., b. 1793; died 1850-1867.

updated Dec. 20, 2000;
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Frequent names are Barrow, Kline, Sargent, Smith and Steel/e.

See Land Transactions involving Lewis Smith for more info.

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1. LEWIS F.1 SMITH was born Abt. 1793 in possibly Pa., Germany, Va., or MD., and died Bet. 1850 - 1870 (probably before 1867), prob. in Frederick Co. Va.. He married SUSAN? Abt. 1820, probably in Maryland or Virginia.

Notes for LEWIS F. SMITH: He is in Frederick Co. Va. by 1830, because of the two Lewis Smiths in the 1830 census, one fits exactly this family, with one male under 5 (Isaac); two males 5-10 (Simon and John F.); and one male 10-15 (Lewis R.). The other male is 30-40 (consistent with Lewis's birthdate of 1793).There is one daugther under 5 (Evalina) and one 5-10 (Mary Ann), and one wife 30-40 (Susan). Further indication that this is the same Lewis F. Smith family in 1830: He is enumerated right before Daniel Steel. Lewis Smith was involved in land transactions with his neighbor Daniel Steele, and the families were interrelated.

More About LEWIS F. SMITH: Birthplace: conflicting info from censuses

Notes for SUSAN ?:
contradictory information appears in the 1850 census and the 1870 census on Susan's age. I am using the 1850 age; she was born abt. 1796. Birthplace: given as MD in 1870 census, where she is with son-in-law Frederick Barrow and family, Ford Co. IL; age 84 (probably wrong). SUSAN ?: died betw. 1870-1880 in Ford Co. IL.Source: 1880 census, Ford. Co. IL; Susan no longer listed.

Children of LEWIS F. SMITH and SUSAN ? are:

2. LEWIS R.2 SMITH, b. Abt. 1818, possibly in Pennsylvania; died after 1870.
  (Note: 1870 and 1860 censuses for his children list his birthplace as Pa.; 1850 census as Va.)

3. ii. JOHN F.SMITH, b. October 18, 1821, Frederick Co. Va.; d. April 16, 1898, near Winchester, Fred. Co Va.

4. iii. MARY ANN SMITH, b. 1823, Frederick Co. Va.; d. 1901, Gibson City, IL.

5. iv. SIMON P. SMITH, b. 1824, Va.; d. Aft. 1870, prob. Warren Co. Va..

6. v. EVELINA SMITH, b. January 23, 1825, Frederick Co., Va.; d. November 18, 1891, Warren Co. Va..

7. vi. ISAAC N. SMITH, b. Abt. 1826, Frederick Co. Va.; d. Aft. 1870.

Generation No. 2

2. LEWIS R.2SMITH (LEWIS F.1)was born Abt. 1818 in Pennsylvania, and died Aft. 1870. He married ELIZABETH BROWN March 28, 1850 in Frederick Co. Virginia.

Notes for LEWIS R. SMITH:
Lewis R. is thought to be a son of Lewis F. and Susan Smith because of information in Fred. Co. Deed books regarding suits and property transactions. See Deed Book 83, p. 97, and 99-100. It is possible that the "R" is for Robert; Frederick Co. Birth registry lists the R. as Robert. Lewis R. is listed as 30 in the 1850 census, as 41 in the 1860 census, and as 55 in the 1870 census; I am placing his birthdate as abt. 1818. Both 1860 and 1870 censuses  list his birthplace as Pennsylvania. In 1830 he is probably the son listed as aged between 10-15, making his birthdate somewhere between 1815 and 1820.

More About LEWIS R. SMITH: Occupation: tailor in 1850; miller from 1860 on (see censuses).
Marriage Notes for LEWIS R. SMITH and ELIZABETH BROWN:
See Frederick Co. Marriages, Vogt and Kethley, p. 212. Although it lists "Lewis W." instead of "Lewis R.," when checked against the 1850 Fred. Co. census, it seems that the only Lewis who could possibly have married Elizabeth Brown is the same Lewis R. Smith who is listed in the census with his wife Elizabeth and who is also named in other transactions of the era. The same couple appears in the 1870 census with the following children.


i. ANNA M.3 SMITH, b. 1851.

ii. JOHN B. SMITH, b. 1853

iii. EDWARD LEWIS SMITH, b. 1854
   (note: listed as J. Edward in 1870 census, Edward Lewis in birth registry and Edward L. in 1860 census).

iv. MARTHA ANN SMITH, b. 1856 or 1857.

v. ALBERT SMITH, b. 1859.

vi. CASSIE SMITH, b. 1864.

vii. WILLIAM SMITH, b. 1866.

viii. WARREN SMITH, b. 1868.

3.JOHN F.2 SMITH (LEWIS F.1) was born October 18, 1821 in Frederick Co. Va., and died April 16, 1898 in or near White Hall, near Winchester, Fred. Co Va. He married (1) HANNAH GEORGE Abt. 1845 in probably Winchester, Va., daughter of LEWIS GEORGE and REBECCA BARRETT. He married (2) ANNIE KENDRICK 1872 in White Hall, Frederick Co. Va., daughter of WILLIAM KENDRICK and UNKNOWN.

Notes for JOHN F. SMITH: see Fred. Co. Deed Book 83, p. 97 for ref. to a suit in chancery court involving Isaac N. Smith, Simon P. Smith, George W. Sargent, Lewis R. Smith, and John F. Smith. Also see marriage record for John F. Smith for his second or third marriage, to Annie Kendrick, listing him as son of Lewis and Susan Smith. The marker at Hopewell Meeting House cemetery for John F. Smith was mentioned by his descendant James Simpson Smith (Smyth), who either found it himself or relied on information from Truman C. Huff, another descendant of Benjamin Barrett.

More About JOHN F. SMITH: Burial: Hopewell Meeting House Cemetery according to the Quaker Genealogical index.
Religion: Quaker

John F. Smith lived in the Smith-Brown-Holliday house in White Hall, where he is listed in the 1860 census. Both he and his brother Lewis R. were tailors. See the 1850 and 1860 censuses; also see James V. Hutton, In and Around the Loop (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishers, 1998: 26, 33, and photograph.

Frederick Co. Death Registry states that Hannah George died at 26 in 1856, wife of John Smith, daughter of Lewis and Rebecca George. See also the Frederick Co. census for 1850, which lists John F. Smith with wife Hannah and children Lewis A, 2, and Sarah R., 1.
Marriage Notes for JOHN SMITH and HANNAH GEORGE: no record in Vogt and Kethley.

Children of JOHN SMITH and HANNAH GEORGE are:

i. JOHN L.3 SMITH, b. Abt. 1846, Fred. Co Va.
Notes for JOHN B. SMITH:
This John is listed as age 5 in the 1850 census, where he is with his grandparents, Lewis F. and Susan Smith, in the George Gant household. He does not appear with his parents in the 1860 census, so he may have died young.

ii. LEWIS ATLEY ("ATT") SMITH, b. 1848, Fred. Co Va; d. Aft. 1912, prob. Sheridan County, Wyoming; m. ELLA ?.

see 1850 Frederick Co. census. The information on Lewis Atley's middle name and his move to Wyoming comes from James Simpson Smith (Smyth), a descendant of John. F. Smith through Lewis Atley's brother Eugene B. When I checked a couple of sources in Sheridan Co. Wyoming, I found the name "Atley Smith" listed as a grand juror from Dayton, WY in the November 1889 election. He may have moved to Dayton anytime between 1870 and 1888.

iii. SARAH REBECCA SMITH, b. August 1849, Frederick Co. VA.; d. 1856, Frederick Co. VA..

I am taking the initial "R" in the 1850 census to stand for Rebecca, the name of Hannah George's mother. I also base this on the fact that in the Fred. Co. Death registry, Sarah Rebecca Smith is listed as dying onf brain disease at 6 years , 11 mos. and 19 days on 11 Sep. 1856. There is supposedly a marker in the Hopewell Meeting House cemetery for Sarah with no date, next to her father, John F.

8. iv. EUGENE B. SMITH, b. November 1851, Frederick Co. VA.; d. 1928, Mt. Clemens, MI.

9. v. MANNER or MANNAR S. SMITH, b. Abt. 1852, White Hall, near Winchester, Fred. Co Va.

Child of JOHN SMITH and ANNIE KENDRICK is: vi. BYRON W.3 SMITH, b. Abt. 1873, White Hall, near Winchester, Fred. Co Va.   4.MARY ANN2 SMITH (LEWIS F.1) was born 1823 in Frederick Co. Va., and died in 1900 or 1901 in Gibson City, IL. She married FREDERICK BARROW December 25, 1846 in Frederick Co. Virginia, son of WILLIAM BARROW and CATHERINE MESAMORE.

The cemetery headstone says she was born in 1830, but I am using the date consistent with her age stated in the marriage registry, because if she was born in 1830, she would have married at the age of 16. Burial: contact me for further info.

according to Fred. Co. census, 1850, Frederick was 38 in 1850, making his birthdate about 1812. According to a book on the Barrow Family (Barrow: An Early Southern Family), published for the Barrow Family Association, Frederick was born in 1808. Mary Ann Smith was his second wife. Frederick already had children with his first wife. Frederick Barrow moved his family to Ford County, IL, where he bought a tract of 160 acres in the southern part of the county, near Champaign county, for $1,280 in 1869. In 1870 he bought three more parcels of 30, 30, and 80 acres, for $247, $246, and $640. Source: Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database.


10. i. AUGUSTUS ADOLPHUS3 BARROW, b. July 08, 1848, Fred. Co Va; d. June 03, 1911, Ford Co. IL.

ii. ANN AMERICA BARROW, b. February 17, 1850, Frederick Co. VA.; d. September 1925, IL.

iii. ALPHEUS WALKER BARROW, b. February 17, 1852, Fred. Co Va; d. 1910, Ford Co. IL; m. FLORENCE RICHARDSON, July 15, 1879, Ford Co. IL.

iv. CHARLES FREDERICK BARROW, b. July 22, 1857, Fred. Co Va; d. December 23, 1939, Ford Co. IL; m. ALWILDA MCVICKER, November 02, 1882, Ford Co. IL. AKA "Allie."

source on birth of Charles Barrow: Fred. Co. birth register. Source for births of others: Barrow: An Early Southern Family. Also 1850 and 1870 Va. and IL censuses. The information in Barrow: An Early Southern Family omits the birth of Charles Barrow and assigns his birthdate to Francis Virginia, but I have seen the Frederick Co. Birth register for 1857 listing Charles as born July 22 1857. I thus conclude that Francis Virginia must have been born later. They are also in the 1870 census.


vi. ALBERT BARROW, b. Abt. 1859, Ford Co. IL.
More About ALBERT BARROW: Source: 1870 Ford. Co. IL census.

vii. MARY OWEN BARROW, b. December 15, 1860.

viii. LEWIS WILLIAM BARROW, b. October 14, 1865, Frederick Co. VA.; d. April 28, 1928, Gibson City, IL; m. LULU E. "Lou" LIVINGSTON, February 23, 1892, Ford Co. IL. He is listed as "William" in the censuses.

5. SIMON P.2 SMITH (LEWIS F.1) was born 1824 in Va., and died Aft. 1870 in Warren Co. Va.. He married (1) MARTHA HAMMACK 1849 in Stephens City, Va., daughter of JACOB HAMMACK and CATHERINE DELONG. He married (2) MARGARET ANN STEELE November 10, 1860 in Frederick Co. Va., daughter of DANIEL STEELE and MATILDA BARROW.

More About SIMON P. SMITH: Occupation: farmer; cooper


11. i. WALTER N.3 SMITH, b. September 19, 1850, Middletown, Frederick Co. Va; d. November 08, 1920, Riverton, Warren Co. Va.

ii. NATHANIEL L. SMITH, b. Abt. 1851.
or possibly Nathaniel W. Smith, son of Isaac, and Simon's nephew? But I think that Simon had his own son named Nathaniel. This Nathaniel is listed in the 1860 census with Simon and his wife Martha and the age of this Nathaniel is listed as 8 or 9. That would have him born in about 1851, not in 1856. He is also in the 1870 census with Simon.

iii. CORNELIUS STROTHER SMITH, b. March 31, 1854, Frederick Co. Va.; d. November 20, 1881, Warren Co. Va..
Burial: 1881, Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal

12. iv. MARTHA ANN SMITH, b. February 02, 1856, Warren Co. Va.; d. August 23, 1925, Shenandoah Co. Va..

v. EMMA J. SMITH, b. January 04, 1858.

 Source on births of Cornelius, Martha, and Emma: Frederick co. birth registry. Although the birth registry lists Cornelius as Cornelia, I am favoring the census information of 1860 that records him as a male and a farm laborer as more definitive.

Children of SIMON SMITH and MARGARET STEELE are: vi. ANNA EVELINE3 SMITH, b. November 03, 1861.

vii. CARRIE OR CASSIE SMITH, b. Abt. 1863.

viii. CLINTON SMITH, b. August 1866.

ix. EISS ? SMITH, b. Abt. 1869.

I suspect that these Smiths may have moved from Warren Co. or from Virginia sometime after 1870, but I have no idea where they went.

6.EVELINA2 SMITH (LEWIS F.1) was born January 23, 1825 in Frederick Co., Va., and died November 18, 1891 in Warren Co. Va.. She married GEORGE W. SARGENT February 05, 1849 in Frederick Co. Va. George may have been a son of James and Mary Sargent, and brother to James Valentine, Sarah Elizabeth, Delilah Frances, and possibly John S. Sargent. See the database for more info on these Sargents. And please contact me if you have information confirming these siblings and relationships. You can see more about them in the database.

It is interesting that of the children of Eveline and George Sargent, two of the sons married Turner sisters, a son and daughter married Derflinger siblings, and another daughter married a Derflinger cousin.

More About EVELINA SMITH: Burial: 1891, Reliance, Va.
More About GEORGE W. SARGENT:Burial: 1889, Reliance, Va.


i. JOHN3 SARGENT, b. 1849, Frederick Co. Va.; d. Aft. 1880; m. EMMA C. TURNER, September 22, 1879, Frederick Co. Va.. (daughter of Calvin and Melvina Beaty Turner.)

13. ii. ALGERNON L. SARGENT, b. October 18, 1850, Frederick Co. Va.; d. July 29, 1913, Warren Co. Va..

14. iii. DELPHIA ANN SARGENT, b. 1851, Va.; d. Aft. 1885, Va..

iv. ISAAC WILLIAM SARGENT, b. April 08, 1853. See more about him, his marriage and children in the database.

v. JAMES S. or L. SARGENT, b. 1855, Warren Co. Va.; d. Aft. 1876; m. CATHERINE ANN DERFLINGER, February 22, 1876, Warren Co. Va..See more about them and their children in the database. Note: Catherine Ann was a daughter of Charles W. Derflinger, a son of Philip Derflinger; James L. Sargent's sister, Alice Emma or Emma Alice, married Catherine Ann's brother Robert.

vi. GEORGE W. SARGENT, b. 1856, Warren Co. Va.; m. ADA F. TURNER, July 18, 1878, Middletown, Frederick Co. Va.. Ada was Emma Turner's sister.

15. vii. IDA CORNELIA SARGENT, b. February 19, 1857, Warren Co. Va.; d. July 13, 1927, Warren Co. Va.. She married James Bayliss Derflinger. He was a cousin of Catherine Ann and Robert Derflinger. (All three of these Derflingers were grandchildren of Philip Derflinger and Elizabeth Barrow.)

viii. JOHN STERN SMITH SARGENT, b. April 10, 1858.

ix. MARY S. SARGENT, b. 1860. She married Jacob Rinker.

x. EMMA ALICE (known as ALICE) SARGENT, b. abt. 1863.
d. Aft. 1880; m. ROBERT P. DERFLINGER, (Catherine Derlinger's brother) July 01, 1880, Warren Co. Va..

xi. SARAH SARGENT, b. abt. 1866. She married Marion Sprinkle.

xii. FRANCIS H. SARGENT, male, b. abt. 1868. (see 1870 census, Warren Co, p. 454, for most of these children's names and approximate birthdates.) Some say this is Francis Marion Sargent.

7.ISAAC N.2 SMITH (LEWIS F.1) was born Abt. 1826 in Frederick Co. Va., and died Aft. 1870. He married MARTHA ANN (or Elizabeth) KLINE November 02, 1854 in Frederick Co. Va., daughter of DANIEL KLINE and SARAH GRIM. Daniel Kline was a son of John Jacob Kline, the early settler from Germany. See more about this family in the database.

Note: this Isaac N. Smith is a different person than the Isaac N. Smith, son of Isaac Smith Sr.
Marriage Notes for ISAAC SMITH and MARTHA KLINE: Minister, Rev. John Allemong
Source: Frederick Co. Marriage Register, Book 2, Page 16. See also: Land transations involving Smiths.

Children of ISAAC SMITH and MARTHA KLINE are:

i. NATHANIEL3 SMITH, b. 1856, birth registry, Fred. Co. VA; d. Aft. 1870.
There is an interesting contradition in the Frederick Co. Birth Register in records for births to two different Isaac Smiths who are about the same age. One Isaac N. is Simon's brother and the son of Lewis F. Smith. The other is Isaac Smith Jr, son of Isaac Smith, Sr. The clerk apparently made a mistake in recording two births, recording perhaps the wrong father. The Nathaniel born in Dec. 1856 is listed as having as parents Isaac, son of isaac, and Martha Smith. But from the marriage records we know that Isaac, son of Lewis, married Martha Kline and that Isaac, son of Isaac, married her sister Sarah Catherine Kline. (Daniel Kline family in the 1850 Fred. Co. census is one source; marriage records another). This Nathaniel is also in censuses.
More About NATHANIEL SMITH: Residence: Pine Church

16. ii. FRANK SMITH, b. 1860, Warren Co. Va.; d. Aft. 1895.

iii. FRANCES M. SMITH, b. 1864, Warren Co. Va..
Source: Warren Co. Va. birth registry

Generation No. 3

8.EUGENE B.3 SMITH (JOHN F.2, LEWIS F.1) was born November 1851 in Frederick Co. VA., and died in 1928 in Mt. Clemens, MI. He married (1) CHARLOTTE A. PURCELL March 17, 1874 in Frederick Co. Virginia, daughter of LOTT PURCELL and HANNAH TAYLOR. He married (2) CORA Aft. 1900.

Notes for EUGENE B. SMITH: Frederick Co. Marriage registry.
More About EUGENE B. SMITH: Occupation: tailor


17. i. LEWIS ATLEY4 SMITH, b. February 11, 1875, White Hall, near Winchester, Fred. Co Va; d. March 10, 1940, Lewistown, Montana. 9. MANNAR C. or S. SMITH3(JOHN F.2, LEWIS F. 1) was born in abt. 1852, in White Hall, near Winchester, Frederick Co. VA. He married Harriet ? in abt. 1873. (I do not know what county they were married in, as I have not found the record in Frederick Co.) Harriet was born in Maryland. Source: 1880 Federal Census, vol. 13, en. dist. 42, sheet 9, line 11.

Child of MANNAR SMITH and HARRIET ? is:

                            i. BEULAH SMITH, born abt. 1874.

10. AUGUSTUS ADOLPHUS3BARROW (MARY ANN2 SMITH, LEWIS F.1) was born July 08, 1848 in Fred. Co Va, and died June 03, 1911 in Ford Co. IL. He married (1) MARTHA E. ("Mattie") BARROW December 25, 1872 in IL. He married (2) ELLEN B. STEPHENS December 08, 1896 in Ford Co. IL.

Source: 1880 census, Ford. Co. IL; also headstone in cemetery. Also Illinois Marriages.


i. HATTIE4 BARROW, b. Abt. 1876.

ii. UNKNOWN, b. 1880.

11. WALTER N.3 SMITH (SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born September 19, 1850 in Middletown, Frederick Co. Va, and died November 08, 1920 in Riverton, Warren Co. Va. He married MARY JANE BREEDLOVE March 22, 1877 in German Baptist Church, Fred. Co., daughter of WILLIAM BREEDLOVE and DELILAH FRANCES SARGENT, and a granddaughter of Abraham Breedlove.  Mary Jane and Walter were niece and nephew to George W. Sargent and Eveline Smith. Mary Jane's uncle, George W. Sargent, married Walter's aunt, Eveline Smith.

Notes for WALTER N. SMITH:
Walter and his family are listed as black in the 1880 Warren Co. census, but as white in the 1900 census. Walter's sister Martha is listed with her husband, Charles W. Kline, just a few doors away, and she is listed as white. The 1880 census lists Walter, Mary Ann, and their two chidren (William Nelson and Martha Frances) as living in Cedarville Township, where they are the 4th house, and the 4th family. The 1880 census says that Walter and Mary Ann cannot read or write, but the 1900 census lists them as educated and literate.
See 1880 census, Warren Co. VA, p 21, line 7.
Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Front Royal Va.
Source: Smith Family Bible lists Walter's birth as in Middletown.

Mary Jane's aunt, Sarah J. (Cooley) Breedlove, is living with the Smith family in the 1900 census, as is an Ada Breedlove, presumably Mary Jane's sister.


 i. WILLIAM NELSON4 SMITH, b. April 05, 1878, Warren Co. Va.; d. 1941, Baltimore, MD; m. JENNIE MCBRIDE.

ii. MARTHA FRANCES SMITH, b. April 12, 1879, Warren Co. Va.; d. 1959, Warren Co. Va.; m. WALTER S. ESHELMAN, Warren Co. Va..


Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Front Royal Va.


Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Front Royal Va.

18. iii. ANNIE LAURA SMITH, b. April 17, 1881, Riverton, Warren Co. Va; d. 1972, Huntsville, Ala..

19. iv. WALTER EUGENE SMITH, b. May 22, 1883, Riverton, Warren Co. Va.

20. v. FRANKLIN STROTHER SMITH, b. October 04, 1884, Riverton, Warren Co. Va; d. Bef. 1970, Arlington, Va..

21. vi. HERBERT LUTHER SMITH, b. September 16, 1886, Warren Co. Va.; d. July 20, 1966, Arlington, Va..

vii. NETTIE PEARL SMITH, b. May 22, 1889, Warren Co. Va.; d. November 20, 1920, Warren Co. Va..

viii. DELLA MAY SMITH, b. January 28, 1891, Warren Co. Va.; d. December 17, 1915, Warren Co. Va..

ix. LEWIS MELTON SMITH, b. November 06, 1892, Warren Co. Va.; d. February 08, 1955, Warren Co. Va.; m. JULIA DERFLINGER, Warren Co. Va..

Note:  Walter, Mary Jane, Nettie, Della, and Lewis M. are all buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery .
More About JULIA DERFLINGER: Burial: 1983, Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal

See the photo of the Walter N. Smith family on the home page of this website. See a photo of the house where they lived here.
12. MARTHA ANN3 SMITH (SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born February 02, 1856 in Warren Co. Va., and died August 23, 1925 in Shenandoah Co. Va.. She married CHARLES WILLIAM KLINE April 02, 1878 in Warren Co. Va., son of SAMUEL KLINE and MARTHA GRIM.

(You can trace Charles William's lineage back to Adam Kline, brother of John Jacob Kline, in my database, courtesy of information provided by Mike O'Shea. I have also verified part of this information through the 1850 census and the marriage records, as well as through Wilmer Kerns, Historical Records of Old Frederick and Hampshire Counties..)
More About MARTHA ANN SMITH: Burial: Riverview Cemetery, Strasburg
More About CHARLES WILLIAM KLINE: Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Front Royal Va.
Occupation: railroad worker. Source: 1880 census, Warren Co. VA, p. 20, line 49.


i. ADA4 KLINE, b. 1881, Shenandoah Co. Va.; d. Shenandoah Co. Va.; m. A. S. BRILL.

22. ii. HENRY C. KLINE, b. December 03, 1883, Va.; d. January 18, 1956, Shenandoah Co. Va..

23. iii. WILLIAM RUSSELL KLINE, b. 1888, Shenandoah Co. Va.; d. 1953, Strasburg, Shenandoah Co. Va..

13. ALGERNON L.3 SARGENT (EVELINA2 SMITH, LEWIS F.1) was born October 18, 1850 in Frederick Co. Va., and died July 29, 1913 in Warren Co. Va.. He married PAULINE J. BARROW July 18, 1878 in Frederick Co., Va, daughter of ATWELL BARROW (brother of Frederick) and MARY SMITH.

Note: This Mary Smith was the daughter of an Isaac Smith, Sr. of Frederick County. It is not known whether this Isaac Smith, Sr. is related to Lewis F.Smith, but he and his family lived not far from these Smiths and both families married Barrows and Klines.
More About ALGERNON L. SARGENT:  Burial: 1913, Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal
More About PAULINE J. BARROW: Burial: 1916, Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal

Children of ALGERNON SARGENT and PAULINE (also known as "Perlina") BARROW are:

i. OLIVIA4 SARGENT, b. November 05, 1878.

ii. GEORGE E. SARGENT, b. July 24, 1883.

iii. GUSSIE SARGENT, b. abt. 1889. See more in the database.

14. DELPHIA ANN3 SARGENT (EVELINA2 SMITH, LEWIS F.1) was born 1851 in Va., and died Aft. 1885 in Va.. She married DANIEL EDGAR STEELE November 08, 1870 in Frederick Co. Va., son of DANIEL STEELE and MATILDA BARROW.


i. GEORGE4 STEELE, b. October 06, 1872.

ii. WALTER STEELE, b. Abt. 1874.

24. iii. RUSSELL LEE STEELE, b. October 30, 1878, Cedarville, Warren Co. Va.; d. June 11, 1967, Huntsville, Ala..

iv. HAILY P. STEELE, b. August 22, 1885.

15. IDA CORNELIA3SARGENT (EVELINA2 SMITH, LEWIS F.1) was born February 19, 1857 in Warren Co. Va., and died July 13, 1927 in Warren Co. Va.. She married JAMES BAYLISS DERFLINGER March 22, 1877 in Warren Co. Va., son of BAYLISS DERFLINGER and CATHERINE MAUCK.

More About IDA CORNELIA SARGENT: Burial: 1927, Burk-Derflinger-Hottle Cemetery, Warren Co.
More About JAMES BAYLISS DERFLINGER: Burial: 1927, Burk-Derflinger-Hottle Cemetery, Warren Co.

Children of IDA SARGENT and JAMES DERFLINGER are (more children appear in the database):

i. KATHRYNE EVELYN4 DERFLINGER, b. 1882, Warren Co. Va.; d. 1904, Warren Co. Va..

More About KATHRYNE EVELYN DERFLINGER: Burial: 1904, Burk-Derflinger-Hottle Cemetery, Warren Co.

ii. VALLIE GERTA DERFLINGER, b. July 20, 1885, Warren Co. Va.; d. December 22, 1907, Warren Co. Va..

More About VALLIE GERTA DERFLINGER: Burial: Burk-Derflinger-Hottle Cemetery, Warren Co.

iii. JAMES MONROE DERFLINGER, b. May 04, 1895, Va.; d. February 04, 1938, Warren Co. Va.; m. FANNIE LOU HALL, niece of Joseph Christian Hall and granddaughter of Christian David Hall and Minerva Jane Minnick..

16. FRANK3 SMITH (ISAAC N.2, LEWIS F.1) was born 1860 in Warren Co. Va., and died Aft. 1895. He married MARY M.

Notes for FRANK SMITH:
Source for births of Frank Smith and Frances Smith: 1870 Warren Co. census. Source for marriage: birth registry.

Child of FRANK SMITH and MARY M. is:

i. MAUD4 SMITH, b. August 1895.
Source: Warren Co. Va. birth registry

Generation No. 4

17.LEWIS ATLEY4  (":LEW") SMITH (EUGENE B.3, JOHN F.2, LEWIS F.1) was born February 11, 1875 in White Hall, near Winchester, Fred. Co Va, and died March 10, 1940 in Lewistown, Montana. He married IZOLA MAY CARTER July 21, 1900 in Fayette, Fulton Co. OH, daughter of CHARLES B. CARTER.

Children of LEWIS SMITH and IZOLA CARTER are:

25. i. CARTER EUGENE5 SMITH, b. September 26, 1901, Ohio; d. 1968.

ii. GEORGE ELWELL SMITH, b. August 22, 1906, Ohio; d. 1969.

iii. JAMES SIMPSON SMITH, b. July 15, 1917, Great Falls, Montana; d. Bef. 1998; m. JUANITA ELLEN BUTLER, 1942.

18. ANNIE LAURA4 SMITH (WALTER N.3, SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born April 17, 1881 in Riverton, Warren Co. Va, and died 1972 in Huntsville, Ala.. She married RUSSELL LEE STEELE Abt. 1907 in Ancon, Panama, son of DANIEL STEELE and DELPHIA SARGENT. Russell and Annie Laura were both great grandchildren of Lewis F. Smith, but probably did not know it.

More About ANNIE LAURA SMITH: Burial: Maple Hill Cem., Huntsville Ala.
More About RUSSELL LEE STEELE: Burial: 1967, Maple Hill Cem., Huntsville Ala.


i. VIRGINIA5 STEELE, b. November 04, 1912, Ancon, Panama; d. Abt. 1980, Miami, Fla.; m. WILLIAM HOUSTON HESKETT, Abt. 1928, Warren Co. Va.. 19. WALTER EUGENE4SMITH (WALTER N.3, SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born May 22, 1883 in Riverton, Warren Co. Va. He married KATHERINE PICKETT Aft. 1912 in Haymarket, Va.?.


i. PICKETT5 SMITH, b. Aft. 1912; d. Bef. 1920, Va.. 20. FRANKLIN STROTHER4 SMITH (WALTER N.3, SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born October 04, 1884 in Riverton, Warren Co. Va, and died Bef. 1970 in Arlington, Va.. He married MARY BLANCHE FREDERICK.



ii. LLOYD ALDEN SMITH, b. April 05, 1915; d. October 31, 1996, Hallandale, Florida; m. MARY AGNES PROBST.

More About LLOYD ALDEN SMITH: Burial: 1915, National Memorial Cemetery, Falls Church, Va.

iii. LOUISE SMITH, b. Abt. 1918; d. Bef. 1990; m. CHARLES TILTON.

21. HERBERT LUTHER4 SMITH (WALTER N.3, SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born September 16, 1886 in Warren Co. Va., and died July 20, 1966 in Arlington, Va.. He married GOLDIE JANE HALL April 20, 1912 in Bethel Church, Warren Co. Va., daughter of JOSEPH HALL and RUTH MCDONALD.

Children of HERBERT SMITH and GOLDIE HALL are:

i. RALPH HERBERT5 SMITH, b. 1914, Warren Co. Va.; d. 1985.
Burial: Arlington Cemetery

ii. PAUL EUGENE SMITH, b. 1917, Warren Co. Va.; d. 1989, Va..
Burial: Quantico, Va. National Cemetery

iii. MARY RUTH SMITH, b. 1920, Warren Co. Va.; d. 1983.

22.HENRY C.4 KLINE (MARTHA ANN3 SMITH, SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born December 03, 1883 in Va., and died January 18, 1956 in Shenandoah Co. Va.. He married ANN DALE LEMLEY Abt. 1910 in Va..

More About HENRY C. KLINE: Burial: Riverview Cemetery, Strasburg

Children of HENRY KLINE and ANN LEMLEY are:

i. GALEN RANDOLPH5 KLINE, b. 1919, Shenandoah Co. Va.; d. 1920, Shenandoah Co. Va..

ii. GENE E. KLINE, b. May 25, 1921, Shenandoah Co. Va.; d. June 25, 1921, Shenandoah Co. Va..

iii. JOYCE V. KLINE, b. May 25, 1921, Shenandoah Co. Va.; d. June 25, 1921, Shenandoah Co. Va..

iv. GENEVIEVE KLINE, b. November 08, 1923; d. September 15, 1924.

23.WILLIAM RUSSELL4 KLINE (MARTHA ANN3 SMITH, SIMON P.2, LEWIS F.1) was born 1888 in Shenandoah Co. Va., and died 1953 in Strasburg, Shenandoah Co. Va.. He married MAUDE MILLER.

WILLIAM RUSSELL KLINE: Burial: 1953, Riverview Cem., Strasburg


i. HELEN5 KLINE, b. Strasburg, Shenandoah Co. Va.; m. JOHN LARRICK.



iv. JACK MILLER KLINE, b. 1923.

24. RUSSELL LEE4 STEELE (DELPHIA ANN3SARGENT, EVELINA2 SMITH, LEWIS F.1) was born October 30, 1878 in Cedarville, Warren Co. Va., and died June 11, 1967 in Huntsville, Ala.. He married ANNIE LAURA SMITH Abt. 1907 in Ancon, Panama, daughter of WALTER SMITH and MARY BREEDLOVE. Russell and Annie Laura were both great-grandchildren of Lewis F. Smith, but they probably did not know it.

More About RUSSELL LEE STEELE and ANNIE LAURA SMITH:  Burial: Maple Hill Cem., Huntsville Ala.


i. VIRGINIA5 STEELE, b. November 04, 1912, Ancon, Panama; d. Abt. 1980, Miami, Fla.; m. WILLIAM HOUSTON HESKETT, Abt. 1928, Warren Co. Va..

Generation No. 5

25. CARTER EUGENE5 SMITH (LEWIS ATLEY4, EUGENE B.3, JOHN F.2, LEWIS F.1) was born September 26, 1901 in Ohio, and died 1968. He married ERA LOREE JOHNSON 1928.

source: James Simpson Smith (Smyth), brother of Carter Eugene Smith (Smyth), and his niece.


i. CARTER EUGENE6 SMYTH, JR., b. 1931; d. 1976.



 this page created Sept. 1998; most recent update was July 31 2003 (email address correction); 2001(more information on Sargent and Derflinger families); also Nov. 2 2000 (more info on Lewis R. Smith and his children, on Mannar Smith, and on George W. Sargent's children added)

Thanks especially to Vonelle Vonder Reith for her help!!!