Some notes on the 1830 census, Frederick Co. Va.

Surnames mentioned in this page: Barrow, Breedlove, Cline/Kline, Smith, Steel, Stokes

p. 43:

Abraham Breedlove is listed between William Barrow and Eleazor (spelled "Elazor") Barrow.

William Barrow has two males under five years old (probably Atwell and George), two males under 10 (Joseph William and Samuel), one male 10-15 (Charles),  one 20-30 (Frederick), and one 40-50 (William himself). This William Barrow is the son of William Barrow Sr., who was the brother of John and son of Thomas Barrow.

He also has one female under five years old (Maza or Catherine Ann), one 10-15 (Catherine Ann or Mary), one 15-20 (Elizabeth or Mary), and one 40-50 (Catherine Mesamore, his wife). The dates of birth of the girls given to me by another source do not exactly match the ages of the girls given in this 1830 census.

Abraham Breedlove has three males under five (Samuel, William and an unknown brother), two males under 10 (unknown), one 30-40 (Abraham himself). He also has two females 5-10 (Elizabeth and Isabel), and one 30-40 (that would be Hannah Stokes, his wife.)

Elazor Barrow has one male 15-20, one 20-30 (presumably Franklin Barrow, b. 1808), and one 40-50 (Elazor himself). He also has one female 15-20, two females 20-30 (one is presumably Matilda, b. 1805), and one 40-50 (Rebecca Wilson, his wife).

After Elazor Barrow, a few names later, is Thomas Barrow. Thomas has one male 15-20, one 20-30, and one 50-60 (probably Thomas himself). This Thomas is probably descended from the Thomas Barrow and his wife Jane, born abt. 1740, but it is not clear through which son. John and William Barrow (said to be sons of Thomas Sr. by one source) were given a land patent for 396 acres on Dec. 15, 1778 near Casper Moyers tract assigned 8th July 1766. John conveyed two smaller tracts of 7 and 28 acres, respectively, to Casper Moyers in 1782. (see Deed Book 22, p. 440, Oct. 1791.) It is possible that this Thomas is a son of John (or even of William Sr.). But this has not been proven.

It is also quite possible that Elazor or Eleazor was another son of William Barrow, Sr. or of John Barrow. So far, none of the Barrows I have corresponded with seem to be able to determine Eleazor/Elazor's connection to the others.


p. 45: Michael Cline is listed. There is only one male 50-60 in his household. This would be consistent with the age of Michael Kline, born about 1775, son of Adam Kline, brother of John Jacob Kline Sr. He married Catherine Jones in 1794. She has presumably died before 1830.

p. 48:

Anthony, James, and Daniel Cline are all listed in a row, and they are closely related.  They all have children living with them. Their ages roughly correlate to what is known from other sources. Anthony B. and Daniel Cline were sons of John Jacob Kline.

This Anthony must be Anthony B. Kline because of his age (50-60). He was Daniel Cline's brother. Anthony has one son 15-20 (Anthony M. Kline) and two daughters 5-10 (perhaps Martha and Elizabeth R. although the dates are slightly off), as well as a daughter 20-30 (Mary E.).

Right after Anthony is his son James R. Kline, listed as James Cline here, and his wife Mary Ann Hammack. They married in 1827, and they are listed here as having one son under 5 and one daughter under five. These would be Strother and Alcinda, respectively.

In the Daniel Cline household, there is one male 50-60; this would be Daniel Cline/Kline Sr. There is one female listed as 30-40. This would be Sarah Grim. She married Daniel in 1815, and was quite a bit younger than he was. Their children include three sons 0-5 (Simon, Benjamin and an unknown son); two sons 5-10 (unknown), and two sons 10-15.
They have several daughters as well. One is 0-5 (Sarah Catherine Kline); two are 5-10 (possibly one of these is Rebecca E ?.), and one is 10-15.

Note: I wonder whether Rebecca Kline, b. about 1823, who married Samuel Barrow in 1848, is one of those daughters listed as age 5-10 in the 1830 census.  Samuel and Rebecca Barrow named two of their daughters Sarah C. and Martha.

There is also a male 30-40 in the household. This is too young to be Daniel, so it may be a brother or a nephew or possibly a son from a previous marriage.

Later, a Samuel Cline is listed with 2 males 25-30, one male 30-40.

p. 84:
Samuel Stokes, one male, 70-80. This is presumably Hannah's father. This means that his wife, Isabel, apparently died before the 1830 census.

Adam Steele has 2 males under 5 (David and Peter), 2 under 10 (Thomas and unknown) , 2 10-15 (Jamees and John?), 2 15-20 (David and William?), and Adam himself is 50-60. He has 1 female under 5, 2 5-10, one 10-15, one 15-20, and one 30-40. This is presumably his second wife, Elizabeth Nicholls.

p. 87:

Lewis Smith has one male under five (Isaac); two males 5-10 (Simon and John F.); one male 10-15 (Lewis R.); and one 30-40 (Lewis himself).  He has one female under five (Evalina); one 5-10 (Mary Ann); and one 30-40 (his wife, Susan.) This is fairly clearly the Lewis F. Smith that was born  in approximately 1793.

Daniel Steel is listed right after Lewis Smith. (They are neighbors in other sources.) Daniel has one male under five, one 20-30 (himself), one female under five, and one 20-30 (Matilda Barrow). Their two young children, one male, one female are not identified in other sources.

p. 88 Another Lewis Smith is listed right after Levi Smith and Joseph Smith. This Lewis has one male 40-50 (probably himself) and maybe one male 10-15 (difficult to tell whether it's a mark or not on the microfilm). He also has one female 5-10, one 15-20, one 30-40, and one 40-50.  It is not known whether this Lewis Smith is related to the younger Lewis Smith on p. 87. Because of his age (40-50), it would seem unlikely that he could be the father of the Lewis Smith who is 30-40 at the same time.