Monkey Pointing



N"rotten dot com"

This site is so strong!!!! [for example: Tug-of-War Tragedy severed arm]

Furby Autopsy This one is to get You started, it is not scary at all
medical simbol"From Annals of Emergency Medicine".
YOU WILL FIND SCARY MATERIAL AND PICS. In all societies, individuals have introduced foreign bodies into the rectum, penis, and vagina, sometimes for sexual gratification, this include: Vibrator, Bottles, Light bulb, Apple, Flashlight, Baseball, Mortar pestle and many more. Warning if you are a minor don't go here. And if You are an adult this site may be too strong for You.


No Minors Allowed

This site is NOT for children, those with weak stomachs, people with heart conditions, on a pacemaker, emotionally unstable or otherwise "quirky" people. If you match any of the above descriptions DO NOT ENTER.

Comming soon


True Stories-Reading Material

The mens' underwear section of a 1975 Sears catalog featured a picture of a male model whose penis could be seen peeking out from beneath the a pair boxer shorts.
A teenager who pretended to hang from a gallows as part of a pre-Halloween hayride died while performing the stunt.
A machine-shop worker who made a regular practice of masturbating by holding his penis against the drive belt of a piece of machinery leaned too close to the belt one day and caught his scrotum between the pulley-wheel and the drive belt. The man suffered a torn scrotum and lost one of his testicles, but he calmly stapled his scrotum back together and resumed work before finally visiting a doctor three days later.

The Great Stork Derby
"The Millar Will" is now primarily remembered as the instrument that sparked The Great Stork Derby of the 1930s in Canada, but it also contained several other oddball bequests worthy of mention. Charles Vance Millar was a prominent lawyer who practiced in Toronto from 1881 until his death in 1926. He went to his grave a bachelor, and due to some interesting investments (Charlie liked the longshots), this irascible 73-year-old left a considerable estate. Millar was both a student of human nature and possessed of a perverse sense of fun. His best jokes turned on others' greed and love of money, and his pet theory was that every man had his price, the trick was to figure out what it was. His last will and testament exemplified his unusual sense of humor. Given Millar's obvious familiarity with the law, he had to have known what the execution of his will would do to the judicial system hewas probably the 'd long been part of -- indeed, that motivation behind his wacky stipulations. Read the Whole Story Here.


Son of a Gun
Sometimes touted as the origin of the phrase "son of a gun," the apocryphal tale of "the bullet through the balls" is a well-traveled legend, often reported by such infamous urban legend vectors as "Dear Abby," as in this example from her 6 November 1982 column:

It seems that during the Civil War girl (May 12, 1863, to be exact), a young Virginia farm was standing on her front porch while a battle was raging nearby. A stray bullet first passed through the scrotum of a young Union cavalryman, then lodged in the reproductive tract of the young womanbecame pregnant by a man she had not been within , who thus 100 healthy baby! feet of! And nine months later she gave birth to a healthy baby!

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