Monthly Meetings



The second Thursday of each month at the Senior Center
1514 North Hancock Parkway, in Colorado Springs.
Members begin to assemble at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.
Cathy Mikkelson, President

Each meeting includes a business meeting plus fun programs like Show & Tell, door prizes drawings, refreshments and a special speaker or program. Door prize winners are asked to bring a door prize (suggested limit of $5) to the next meeting.

We currently have a block-of-the-month drawing. Instructions are distributed at each meeting.

We have name tags available for all members, but suggest that each member make a name tag to wear at meetings. You are limited only by your imagination!

Date Program Charm Squares
January 9 Ruth Warren - New tools for quilters  Fruits and Vegtables
February 13 Ricky Tims “Learning to Fly: A Decade of Inspiration”  Hearts Desire
March 13 Quilt-O  Oriental Small prints
April 10 Heather Montano  Olive Greens
May 8 Bethany Reynolds - with workshops  Building material prints
June 12 Charity Quilt-In  Something wet – to beat the drought
July 11 Annual Quilt Guild Birthday Party.  --
August 14 15 Minutes of Fame  --
September 11 Marci Baker - with workshops  --
October 9 Annual Auction. Nominations for officers and committee chairpersons being accepted.  --
November 13 Charity Quilt-In Voting for officers and committee members.  --
December 11 Christmas Party.  --

