
We have a wide range of on-going programs.  Each year, volunteers become committee chairs for these programs, and that's part of what keeps the guild interesting and dynamic.

Block of the Month

Wouldn't you love to be able to put together a whole top by only making one or two blocks?  Well, no longer any reason to dream about it.  At each meeting, patterns are handed out for the Block-of-the-Month.  During the next 30 days, make as many of these blocks as suits your fancy, and bring them with you to the following meeting.  For as many blocks as you make, your name may be put in a hat to be drawn to win all the blocks!  (Then make sure to bring in the finished product so we can join you in the oo's and ahh's.)

Challenge Quilts

Each year the guild issues a challenge to the quilters. The chairperson of the challenge determines the rules. Sometimes it might be that certain shapes or fabrics must be used in the quilts. Other times it's ruled by a theme. For Spring of 2001, the challenge has been issued in the form of a personal challenge. Participants will work individually and will follow the rules set for for the challenge and then bring the results to the JULY 2001 meeting.

Charity Quilts

During 2000, the guild donated more than 70 quilts to FIRST VISITOR and MEMORIAL HOSPITAL'S NICU groups. Great job, ladies! The charity for 2001 will be making throw quilts and teddy bears for the police department. Our goal is to have one throw quilt and teddy bear for each person in the guild and we'll have occassional teddy bear stuffing parties! Keep your eye on the newsletter for updates.

Charm Square Swap

Take one yard of prewashed fabric and cut into 6" squares. Bring your squares in a ziplock bag with your name and phone number on the bag. The coordinator will take them home, swap the charm squares and return your bag to you the following month with some great, fun fabrics!


Door Prizes

At each meeting, there are lots of fun door prizes.  Members put their name in for the drawing as they enter, and those who win are asked to bring a donate a door prize at the next meeting, somewhere in the $5 range. Please do not enter for a door prize unless you plan to bring a prize to the following meeting; if you're unable to attend, please send your door prize along with another guild member.


Volunteer to be a hostess one month!  Each hostess is asked to bring 1-2 dozen goodies and one 2-liter beverage.  She is also asked to arrive early and stay late to help with the setup and breakdown of the meeting.  Thank you to all those who volunteer!


Each month, paid members receive a guild newsletter with information about the upcoming events, block of the month patterns, meeting minutes, and lots of tidbits.  Deadlines for entried in the newsletter are the last Tuesday of each month and should be submitted to Martha.


Want some company while you quilt? Try these quilt-ins:

3rd Thursday of each month: High Country Quilts, at 7:00 pm

4th Thursday of each month:  Harvest Moon Quilting Bee meets in different homes every month. Please check the newsletter for points of contact to find out the next location.


Round Robin


Round Robins (also called progressives)are great fun.  Small groups get together and set up the rules for each round. Each participant makes a center block, then passes it around to the next person on the list.  Then each person makes the first border, then it goes to the next person on the list until all borders are completed and each person receives their center with borders made by the rest of the group.  It's amazing to see what other people come up with, and a fun challenge to try to compliment predecessors' work. See some examples of Round Robins.

There might already be a group currently in progress, but as soon as enough people show interest, the next one can begin!

Secret Pals


Want a Secret Pal?  Every six months, members fill out a form about themselves (birthday, favorite colors, patterns,and quilting techniques, etc.) and names are drawn for a "pal" to get to know.  With the infomation provided on the form, members have a chance to surprise their pal with little gifts and cards each month. Include notes about your life, wrap gifts with wild fabrics, give trinkets you'd like to have, be creative!  It's a great way to get to know everyone, and make lasting friendships!


Show & Tell


Ready for inspiration?  Then you're ready for show & tell!  Bring your projects and show us what you've done! Occassionally members of the guild might be asked to do a mini show, where they display quilts from when they first began all the way to quilts recently finished.


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