50th Wedding Anniversary (m. December 1849) of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Suydam VEDDER (#16 and #22, below, my m. gg grandparents) in Galveston, TX. I love this photograph. It has everything from the crying baby to the young child on the fence to a man's hat perched on the fence.

1. Julia Laura STAFFORD (child of #3 and #8)
   b. 1885 Galveston, d. 1915 in childbirth, m. 1915 Taylor KEMP (n.i.)
2. Evelyn Y. SUTHERLAND (child of #4)
3. Kate VEDDER (wife of #8; mother of #1, #5, #6, #25 and #26)
4. Mary Halburt VEDDER (daughter of #16 and #22). b. 1857; married Frank
   SUTHERLAND.  They lived in Chicago.
5. Earl STAFFORD (son of #3 and #8), b. 1878, d. ___ San Antonio; sons: Earl 
   and Gerald who married Emily ___ (n.i.)
6. Margaret STAFFORD (daughter of #3 and #8; later married Asa Lee CROW)
7. Julia K. SUTHERLAND, b. Oct 1899 (child of #4)
8. Col. William M. STAFFORD, b. 1843 Cheneyville, Rapides Parish, LA, d. 1930 Galveston (husband of #3; 
   father of #1, #5, #6, #25 and #26)
9. Milton BROWN, Jr., son of #13 and Milton BROWN Sr.
10. Jacob Vedder BROWN, son of #13 and Milton BROWN Sr.
11. unidentified boy
12. Lola VEDDER (daughter of #15 and #19)
13. Grace VEDDER (daughter of #16 and #22), b. 1853; married Milton BROWN,
    lived in Quintana, TX.  When widowed, moved to New Mexico.
*14. Possibly former slave of #16 and #22 (according to family tradition)
15. Floy (Florence Minnie) SCHRYVNER (wife of #19), b. 1861, d. 1934, m. 1883
    Children: Jacob Suydam b. 1888, d. 1928, m. 1910 Winnie Griffin;
    Laura Margaret b. 1884 m. 1907 Herbert M. Key b. 1883;
    Katherine b. 1894 m. 1916 Peter Cortes Pauls b. 1894
16. Jacob Suydam VEDDER (husband of #22; their 50th anniversary)
17. Jacob VEDDER (boy seated on ground in front of #16 and #22) (son of #15
    and #19)
*18. Possibly former slave of #16 and #22 (according to family tradition)
19. Charles Adams VEDDER (husband of #15 and son 
    of #16 and #22), b. 1861, d. 1925, m. 1883
20. Katherine VEDDER (daughter of #19 and #15) b. 1894, m. 1916 Peter Cortes
    PAULS b. 1894.
    Children:  Everitt; William Randolph; Florence Caroline m. Knox Moore;
    Laura Katherine
21. Julia VEDDER (wife of #23, no issue; daughter of #16 and #22)
22. Margaret Ashburn KING (wife of #16; their 50th anniversary)
23. Brewer W. KEY (husband of #21); philanthropist of 
    Galveston, TX. Left his wealth to the children of Galveston.
24. Margaret (Maggie) A. VEDDER (wife of #28, daughter of #16 and #22)
25. Seth STAFFORD (son of #3 and #8)
26. Kate STAFFORD (daughter of #3 and #8)
27. Margaret Eleanor SPURLIN (daughter of #24 and #28), b. 1889, m. Carter
    Brockenbrough, lived in Waco, TX
    daughter Margaret b. 1915 m. Spencer Neville; Margaret's and Spencer's
    children: Spencer Shepherd and Margaret Carter
28. John L. SPURLIN Sr. (husband of #24)
29. John L. SPURLIN Jr. (son of #28 and #24)

*One of the women was Aunt Frances, Margaret STAFFORD's nurse and a former slave of Mrs. VEDDER; she is buried in the STAFFORD plot, Episcopal cemetery.

Jacob Suydam VEDDER and Margaret KING had six children:

  1. Charles
  2. Kate
  3. Grace
  4. Mary Halburt
  5. Julia
  6. Margaret

The BROWNS lived in Quintana, TX; Grace VEDDER BROWN (widowed) later moved to New Mexico.

John Levi SPURLIN and Margaret A. VEDDER were married 20 July 1881, Comanche County Marriage Records, Vol. B-2, page 36. The SPURLINs lived in Waco, TX.

The SUTHERLANDs lived in Chicago, IL.

Brewer W. KEY and Julia S. VEDDER were married 30 Dec 1880, Comanche County Marriage Records, Vol. B-2, page 20.

Following is my VEDDER lineage:

Harmen Albertse VEDDER
trader in Beverwyck >1657
d. ~1715
|                  |           |        |           |         |
Albert VEDDER      Harmanus    Arent    Johannes    Corset   Angenietje
b. 10 May 1671
d. 1 Aug 1753       Johannes Sanderse GLEN
m. 17 Dec 1699         |
Maria GLEN-------------
b. 21 Mar 1678
d. 13 Mar 1753
|                    |         |          |           |           |        |       
Harmanus Albertse    Anna      Johannes   Catharina   Alexander   Arnout   Arent
b. 27 Aug 1704
d.                    Volkert VEEDER
m. 16 Nov 1733           | 
Susanna VEEDER-----------
bp. 4/20/1712
|                  |           |         |       |           |      |           |
Albert H.          Jannetje    Folkert   Maria   Catlyntje   Anna   Agnietje   Johannes
b. 17(19) Feb 1734
d. 20 Mar 1805            Isaac QUACKENBOS
m. 20 Jan 1759               |
Annatje QUACKENBOS-----------
bp 6 Jul 1738
d. 6 Mar 1806
|                |          |          |       |           |            |          |          |          |         |           |        |
Isaac VEDDER     Susanna    Rebecca    Maria   Elisabeth   Elisabeth    Harmanus   Johannes   Folkert   Elias   Alexander   Albert   Nicolaas
bp 11/1/1761
d. 11/29/1826
m. (2)
Jacob Suydam VEDDER (#16 above)
b. 8-12-1818, d. 6-1-1910
m. Dec 1849
Margaret Ashburn KING (#22 above)
b. 7-12-1830, d. 10-25-1901
Kate Eleanor VEDDER (#3 above)
b. Galveston, 9-14-1850
d. Galveston, 2-14-1910
Col. William Maner STAFFORD (#8 above)
b. Rapides Parish, LA, 4-25-1843
d. Galveston, TX, 11-21-1930
Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD (#6 above)
b. Galveston, 10-26-1889
d. Galveston, 4-30-1973
m. 4-25-1911, Asa Lee CROW
b. Charleston, MS, 10-8-1884
d. Galveston, TX, 11-13-1917

Source: Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Pattent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800, by Jonathan Pearson. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1976

A biography was written about one of my VEDDERs (#19 above). I hope you find the article to be interesting.

Data from miscellaneous Censuses:

1900 census, Galveston, ward 8, TX, Dist. 132
SD 11, ED 132, page 1B

Vedder, Jacob C (should be S), head, white, male, Aug 1818, 81, male, m. 51 years. b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
Vedder, Margaret, wife, white, female, July 1830, 69, m. 51, 6 children 6 living, b. TN, father b. AL, mother b. NC
Key, Julia B, dau, white, female, b. Jan 1859, 41, m. 20, 0 children 0 living, b. TX, father b. NY, mother b. TN
Key, Brewer W., son-in-law, white, male, b. May (Mar?) 1859, 41, m. 20, b. AL, father b. AL, mother b. AL

1900 census, Galveston, ward 8, TX, Dist. 132
SD 11, ED 132, page 1B

Stafford, William M., head, white, male, head, b. Apr 1843, 57, m. 32, b. LA, father b. SC, mother b. LA
Stafford, Kate E., wife, white, female, b. Sept 1850, 49, m 32, 7 children, 5 living, b. TX, father b. NY, mother b. TN
Stafford, Kate E., dau, white, female, Apr 1880, 20, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX
Stafford, Josiah S., son, white, male, Jan 1884, 16, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX
Stafford, Julia L., dau, white, female, Nov 1885, 14, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX
Stafford, Margaret J., dau, white, female, Oct 1889, 10, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX

1880 Comanche, Comanche county, Texas, page 071
SD 4, ED 28

Jacob S. Vedder, white, male, 62, retired merchant, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
Margerite Vedder, white, female, 50, wife, keeping house, b. TN, father b. NC, mother b. NC
Maggie Vedder, white, female, 23, daughter, at home, b. TX, father b. NY, mother b. TN
Julia Vedder, white, female, 21, daughter, at home, b. TX, father b. NY, mother b. TN

1870 Galveston, Galveston county, Texas Census; 3rd Ward; page 229

J. S. Vedder       50    male    corn merchant      b. NY
M. A. Vedder       40    female  keep house         b. TN
G. K.              18                               b. TX
Maggie             16                               b. TX
Mary               14                               b. TX
Julia              12                               b. TX
Chas.              11?                              b. TX
Wm. Stafford       27    Male    Cotton clerk       b. LA
Kate V. Stafford   19                               b. TX
Maria Moore        51    black    Domestic servant  b. TX
Vina Carr          35    black    Domestic servant  b. AL
Fred Road          24    mulatto  Domestic servant  b. TX

1860 Galveston, Galveston county, Texas Census, 3rd Ward

J Vedder           41    male     Mct Clerk         b. NY
Margaret Vedder    29                               b. TN
Kate Vedder        10                               b. TX
Grace Vedder        8                               b. TX
Margaret Vedder     6                               b. TX
Julia Vedder        2                               b. TX
Mary Green          17   female                     b. N. Foundland

1850 Galveston, Galveston county, Texas Census

J. S. Vedder            32        merchant     b. NY
Margaret                20        female       b. TN
Catharine               8/12      female       b. TX
Jane Scott              23        female       b. MO

1900 Brazoria County, Texas Census

BROWN, Milton
BROWN, Grace V
BROWN, Milton Jr.
BROWN, Jacob V

1880 Comanche, Comanche county, Texas census (SD 4, ED 28)

Brown, Milton, 40, Justice of Peace, b. GA, father b. GA, mother b. GA
Brown, Grace W., 27, b. TX, father b. NY, mother b. NY
Brown, Charles S, 9, b. TX, father b. GA, mother b. TX
Brown, Maggie, 6, father b. GA, mother b. TX
Brown, Manor, 4, father b. GA, mother b. TX
Brown, Frank, 2, father b. GA, mother b. TX

1900 Cook County, IL
Vol. 72, ED 1090, Sheet 14, Line 51

Birthdate Father's Mother's birth birth SUTHERLAND, Frank b. Feb 1860 WI age 40 draftsman Canada (Eng.) MA SUTHERLAND, Mary b. Aug 1859 TX age 40 NY TN (7 children, 5 living) SUTHERLAND, J. Lindsay son b. Aug 1884 IL age 15 WI TX SUTHERLAND, Charles V. son b. July 1886 IL age 13 WI TX SUTHERLAND, Margaret K. dau b. May 1888 IL age 12 WI TX SUTHERLAND, Evelyn Y. dau b. Oct 1891 IL age 8 WI TX SUTHERLAND, Julia K. dau b. Oct 1899 IL age 7/12 WI TX 1900 Hamilton, TX Census Vol. 52, E.D. 82, Sheet 3, Line 36 John L. Spurlin 45 b. Sept 1854 b. TX Maggie A. 44 b. Oct 1855 b. TX John L. Jr. son 7 b. Aug 1892 b. TX Sarah R. Scoggin mother 67 b. Aug 1832 b. TN George Davis se 30 b. 1870 b. TX Evergreen Cemetery, J at 43rd, Galveston, Texas: Facing west: headstones of Peter Cortes Pauls 1894-1958 next to him - Kathrine Vedder Pauls 1894-1975 SW corner of her plot - stone on the top reads Anna Kathrine, and on the side reads Robert M. and Lola V. Key 3-31-1910 2-12-1911 Anna Katherine Key age 10 months, death __ Feb 1911 (source: microfiche at Clayton), buried 2-18-1911 (source: Parks & Recreation) father: Herbert M. KEY, mother: Lola V. KEY Facing east: Charles Adams Vedder 1861-1925 Florence Schryver Vedder 1861-1934 Lot to north: Key lot Julia V. Key 1859-1919 Brewer W. Key 1859-1922 Location ?: Margaret A. KING (wife of Jacob Suydam VEDDER) 12 Jul 1830 - 25 Oct 1901 Source: Supt. of Parks and Recreation, City of Galveston, Texas Microfiche at Clayton Library, Houston, TX

Episcopal Cemetery: Kate Vedder Stafford Featherstone buried Oct 28, 1960; 2nd Grave from South end of Lot 3 Section 2 of Stafford plot


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