Thomas CROW, Sr.
b. ca 1760
d. 1826 Morgan co., AL
Elizabeth HARKINS (disputed by some)
|                            |                            |
Francis CROW                 David                   at least 4 others
b. 1785 SC
d. 1860?
m(2) 18 Feb 1823               m(1) Allice KEYES
b. 1797 KY
d. 1850/1860 Morgan or Lawrence county
|                   |            |         |       |       |        |
Daniel Reid         Celia Ann   Francis   Zariah   Susan    Sarah   Jonathan
b. 15 Oct 1823 AL   b. 1828     Marion    b. 1830  b. 1833  Ann     b. 1838
d. 7 Apr 1900 AL                b. 1828                     b. 1836
m. 16 Mar 1843 AL
Sarah A. E. BODERY
b. 1 Feb 1824
d. 22 Nov 1900
|       |       |         |         |         |         |       |         |
John F. Celia   Louiza C. Asa       Wm.Rufus  George T  James R Elizabeth Nancy
b.1844  Evaline b.1847    Lafayette b.1851    b.~1854   b.~1853 b.~1857   b.~1859
        b.1845            b.1846 AL
        |                 d. 1908 MS
        Roman P.          (1) m. 1871        (2) m. 1/1/18__
        KEYES             Mary Foree BETTS    Virginia (Jennie) Louise RUSSELL
|              |           |            |               |         |
Abel Betts   Daniel Reid   M Foree      Asa Lee         Lucy      John Herbert
b. ca 1872   b. ca 1874    b. ca 1877   b. 8 Oct 1884   b. 1880
             m.                         Charleston, MS
             Lillian                    d. 13 Nov 1967 Galveston, TX
             |                          m. 25 Apr 1911 Galveston, TX
             Cecil                      Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD
                                        b. 26 Oct 1889 Galveston, TX
                                        d. 30 Apr 1973 Galveston, TX
                       |                                 |
                       Asa Lee Jr.                       Mary Kate
                       b. 1922 Galveston                 b. 1/22/1915 Galveston, TX
                       d. 29 Nov 2006 Conroe, TX         d. 6/10/2001 Houston, TX
                                                         m. 2/6/1937 Trinity Episcopal Church, Galveston, TX
                                                         William S. SINCLAIR SINCLAIR, Jr.
                                                         b. 2/4/1913 Ft. Lawton, WA
                                                         d. 5/10/1997 Houston, TX

1930 census, Galveston, Galveston county, TX
ED 84-26, Supv Dist 27, Sheet 2A

CROW, Asa Lee            Head  Proprietor, lumber company  46  MS  AL  KY
CROW, Margaret           wife                              40  TX  LA  TX
CROW, Mary Kate          daughter                          15  TX  MS  TX
CROW, Asa Lee, Jr.       son                               8   TX  MS  TX
STAFFORD, William Maner  Father-in-law                     86  TX  MS  TX
(when you do a 1930 census search for this family, try "CREW")

1920 censuses, Galveston, Galveston county, TX
SD 7, ED 5, Sheet 3B

Stafford, Wm. M., head, 76, b. LA, father b. SC, mother b. LA, cotton agent - own
Crow, Asa Lee, son-in-law, 34, b. MS, father b. AL, mother b. KY (WRONG! b. MS), lumber merchant
Crow, Margaret J., daughter, 30, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX
Crow, Mary K., granddaughter, 4, b. TX, father b. MS, mother b. TX

 1910 Galveston, Galveston, Texas
SD 7, ED 44, sheet 5B

Stafford, William M., head, male, white, 67, widowed, b. LA, father b. LA, mother b. LA, broker cotton
Stafford, Josiah S., son, male, white, 26, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX, clerk city engineer
Stafford, Julia L., daughter, female, white, 24, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX
Stafford, Margaret J., daughter, female, white, 20, single, b. TX, father b. LA, mother b. TX

1910 census, Galveston, Galveston county, TX
ED 34, Sheet 213, Vol. 55
Asa Lee CROW, white, 26, single, boarder, b. MS, father and mother b. KY (WRONG!!! Father b. AL, mother b. MS), agent - railroad (enumerated with Martha WREN) 1900 Census, Tallahatchie county, MS
Birth Name Age Sex Birthdate place CROW, AL 52 M April 1847 AL CROW, JL 38 F Feb 1862 MS CROW, Herbert 14 M April 1886 MS CROW, Lauease 8 F Dec 1891 MS CROW, Russell 7 M July 1893 MS CROW, Van 5 M Sept 1894 MS CROW, Harry 4 M Dec 1895 MS CROW, Ruby May 1 F April 1899 MS GATTIS, Mariah 17 sister F May 1883 MS

Asa Lee CROW, son of Asa Lafayette and Mary CROW, left MS at age 14 and moved to Dallas, TX, to live in a boarding house with his older brother Reid CROW and work in the same grocery store. Asa Lee delivered groceries to customers. He later married Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD (b. Galveston, TX) in 1911.

1900 Oak Cliff, Dallas county, TX census
(Vol. 28, ED 145, Sheet 11, Line 99)
Asa L. Crow 18 b. Apr 1882 MS father b. AL, mother b. MS clerk grocer Daniel R. Crow 25 b. Feb 1875 MS father b. AL, mother b. MS grocer (Daniel listed as CAVID or CRORD in transcription of census; boarding with Rachael B. DuPre)

Asa Lee CROW, born 1884, would have been on the Tallahatchie county, MS, 1890 census. Asa Lee's brothers were: Abel Betts, Daniel Reid, and John Herbert. His sisters were Lucy and Foree. My mother often told me that his mother, Mary Foree BETTS CROW, had ESP and was known as being psychic. She died when Asa Lee was 4 years old. He was practically raised by his Aunt Kate Crow, sister of Mary Foree BETTS; she lived down the street and after his father remarried, Asa Lee would go there a lot. The two BETTS girls, Mary and Kate, married two CROW brothers. When 14 years old, Asa Lee left Charleston to live in Dallas, Texas, in a boarding home with his older brother Reid and to work in a grocery store delivering groceries where Reid worked.

Asa Lafayette remarried -- Virginia (Jennie) RUSSELL of AR. The children from this second marriage were Van, Ruby May, Harry, Russell, Lafayette and Louise. When Asa Lafayette died some children from the marriage to Virginia had to live with a cousin in Arkansas. One was Louise (b. 1891) who married ____ Fullinwider. Their daughter Virginia married a ______ Boedecker. I always knew of Mrs. Fullinwider and Mrs. Boedecker but never knew they were my cousins. My mother loved them dearly.

1880 census, Charleston, Tallahatchie Co., MS
                                             Birth      Birth      Birth
Name       Age            Sex Occupation     place    of Father  of Mother

CROW, AL   33              M   Dry good Mkt   AL          AL         AL
CROW, MF*  28              F                  MS          CT         KY
CROW, AB    8              M                  MS          AL         MS
CROW, DR    6              M                  MS          AL         MS
CROW, MF    3              F                  MS          AL         MS
CROW, baby (b. May 1880)   F                  MS          AL         MS

1870 Charleston, Tallahatchie county, MS, Township 25, Range 2E, page 547 Asa CROW 23 grocer b. AL James R. CROW 18 in school b. AL

Asa Lafayette CROW moved from Decatur, AL to Charleston, MS after the Civil War. My mother always said two other brothers moved with Asa Lafayette, along with James, and he supported and educated the three. Yet only James is with him in 1870.

1860 NW Division, Morgan county, AL, pages 31-32

William F. CROW   39    farmer    b. AL
Stella            35              b. VA
James             12              b. AL
Elizabeth          9              b. AL
Dickson            7              b. AL
Francis            6              b. AL
William            4              b. AL

1860 NW Division, Morgan county, AL, pages 31-32

Daniel R. CROW     37   farmer     b. AL
Sarah A. CROW      35   housewife  b. AL
Celia E. CROW      15   seamstress b. AL
Acy L.             12              b. AL
Louisa             10              b. AL
William R.          8              b. AL
James R.            7              b. AL
George T.           6              b. AL
Elizabeth           3              b. AL
Nancy               6/12           b. AL

The farthest back I have been able to research my branch of the CROW line is Thomas CROW, Sr. (b. ca 1760), who moved from South Carolina to Alabama in 1818. (It is said that my CROWs were in Virginia prior to South Carolina.) Francis CROW (b. 1785 SC) was issue from the marriage of Thomas CROW, Sr., to Elizabeth HARKINS. Daniel Reid CROW (b. 15 Oct 1823 AL) was issue from the union of Francis CROW and Elizabeth MATKIN (MADKIN)(b. 1797 KY).

Daniel Reid CROW married Sarah A. E. BODERY (b. 1 Feb 1824 AL). 1850 Census of Morgan Co., AL, this family is listed as follows:

Name                     Age             Birthplace

Crow, D. R.              27     farmer   AL
Crow, Sarah A. E.        26              AL
Crow, John F.             6              AL
Crow, Evaline             5              AL
Crow, Louiza              2              AL
Crow, Asa                 3              AL
Crow, Rufus               4/12           AL
Evans, Nancy              15             TN

D.R. CROW and Sarah BODERY married 16 Mar 1843 (Gandrud PJ: Alabama Records, Morgan Co., Vol. 105).

In the same 1850 census, Daniel's father's household is listed:

Name                      Age                 place

Frances CROW              65      Farmer      SC
Elizabeth                 53                  KY
Celia S.                  22                  AL
Susan                     17                  AL
Sarah A.                  14                  AL
Jonathan D.               12                  AL

1830 census, Morgan county, AL

Frances CROW, land value = 200
  males:    under 5      2
            5 to 9       1
            10 to 14     1
            15 to 19     1
            20 to 29     3
            30 to 39     0
            40 to 49     1
  females:  under 5      1
            5 to 9       2
            10 to 14     0
            15 to 19     0
            20 to 29     0
            30 to 39     1
  slaves:   male =       5
            female =     1

Thomas CROW
 males:    under 5       1
            5 to 9       2
            10 to 14     1
            15 to 19     0
            20 to 29     0
            30 to 39     1
            40 to 49     0
  females:  under 5      0
            5 to 9       0
            10 to 14     1
            15 to 19     0
            20 to 29     1
            30 to 39     0
  slaves:   male =       1
            female =     1

Following the Civil War, Asa Lafayette CROW (b. 1846 AL), son of Daniel R. and Sarah CROW, moved from Decatur, Morgan county, Alabama, to Charleston, Mississippi after the Civil War; he brought his brothers, Riley, Daniel, and George with him and educated them. (In my mother's file is a note that he had the following brothers: Riley, a doctor; Dave; and George. George lived in Oakland, MS. He may have had another brother, a doctor, who lived in Webb, MS. All brothers lived around Charleston, MS.) Asa Lafayette had a general store plus 6,000 acres of land that he owned with another man. His first marriage (Charleston, MS, in 1871) was to Mary Foree BETTS, daughter of Abel Benedict BETTS and Susan MARSHALL. They had 6 children: Abel, Daniel Reid, Asa Lee (born 1884), John Herbert, Foree and Lucy.

My mother tells the story of Asa Lee and Margaret, his new bride, camping out in tents with the Mississippi relatives. Margaret was a "city slicker" having never lived outside of Galveston, Texas. On this campout, the women were sleeping together in tents, and the men were in their own. During the night, Margaret heard noises which scared her. She yelled for her new husband and jumped in the tent with him. She was not used to cattle.

Asa Lee and Margaret CROW lived briefly in Tennessee. Margaret returned to Galveston, TX, for the birth of their firstborn, Mary Kate CROW b. 1/22/1915 Galveston, TX, d. 6/10/2001 Houston, TX. They lived the rest of their lives and died there where they are buried in the Episcopal Cemetery on Broadway. They were supportive members of Trinity Episcopal Church. Asa Lee was on the vestry and served in other capacities, and he and Margaret donated the altar in the sanctuary. Mary Kate donated stained glass windows in the chapel in her parents' honor.

Because Mary Kate had been Queen of the (Galveston 1935) Mardi Gras and her parents had spent a lot of money on her gown, and a late-night breakfast with band for numerous guests, she and Dad were married in a simple ceremony at Trinity Episcopal Church in 1937. Mom wore a red suit with fur trim (she often expressed amusement that she was married in red). Guests who attended came by word-of-mouth. That day, they moved to Dallas, TX, where Mary Kate said she immediately had her new husband rearrange the furniture in their duplex on their wedding night. Their new neighbors threw a "shower" for them. Gifts were cans of food without labels. My parents would open the cans in preparation of a meal, not knowing if they would find dog food or tuna fish. My mother once tried to please her new husband by fixing one of his favorites: kidney stew. When my father approached their home, he said he could smell the ammonia two blocks away. Mom had bought a bull kidney and did not know she was supposed to get a calf kidney and to flush it out before preparing the dish. My father was an avid hunter and fisherman (more passion than hobby) and he slowed down for no one. Early in their marriage, my mother attempted to join him on his outings, but she could not keep up with his pace. She was not an athlete. (These stories are courtesy of my mother.)

The majority of Crow and Stroup, South Carolina to Alabama--1818 by Louise JULICH has been transcribed to the web with the author's generous permission. Please investigate this book even if you do not have STROUP in your family history, as many other surnames are researched.

Miscellaneous census data regarding the CROWs and BETTS families.

A letter from Asa Lee CROW to Judge ETHRIDGE

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