Jacob Janse Schermerhorn b. d. 1688 m. Jannetie Egmont | Reyer SCHERMERHORN bp. 23 June 1652 NY d. 19 Feb 1719 m. July 1676 ARIANTJE ARENTSE BRADT (dau. of Arent Arentse Bradt and Catalyntje Vos; widow of Helmer Otten) d. 1717 | Jannetie SCHERMERHORN m. 6 Aug 1698 Albany Volkert Symonse VEEDER | Susanna VEEDER bp. 20 Apr 1712 m. 16 Nov 1733 Harmanus Albertse VEDDER b. 27 Aug 1704
Source: Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Pattent and City of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800, by Jonathan Pearson. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1976 (duplicate names listed among children are not mistakes on the transcriptionist's part; italicized names appear to be those individuals for whom more details are provided, unless the author of the book intended something else).
Schermerhorn Genealogy and Family Chronicles, by Richard Schermerhorn, Jr. (New York: Tobias A. Wright, Publisher, 1914
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