Father of Abraham LUFKIN (below) MIGHT BE Asa Lufkin b. 1792, North Yarmouth d. Dec 1849 Bucksport, ME, and mother MIGHT BE Hannah Parker (his emigrating family was Nathaniel Lufkin b. 1755 Ipswich, MA d. 1838 North Yarmouth, ME and Mary Rachel Butler b. 1755 Ipswich, Mass, who had at least two sons--Jacob Butler Lufkin b. 1778, and my possible ancestor Asa Lufkin, both of North Yarmouth, Cumberland Co.)
*Abraham (Abram) P. LUFKIN
b. 1 Oct 1816 Bucksport, Penobscot, ME
d. 24 Apr 1887 Galveston, TX, buried Episcopal Cemetery
m. < 1845
Mary Ann (? Emerson ?) STONE
of Haverhill, MA
b. July 1820 MA
d. 19 June 1906 Galveston, TX (86 years old), buried same day Episcopal Cemetery
|                                |          |               |
Catharine Stone LUFKIN        Henry A.     Walter Emerson  Theodore D.
b. 24 Aug 1858 Galveston, TX  b. ~1845 ME  b. 10 Dec 1854  b. Nov 1849
d. 9 Jan 1939 Galveston, TX                Galveston, TX   TX
m. 23 Oct 1877 Galveston, TX
Albert Alfred VAN ALSTYNE
b. 1853 Houston, TX
b. 17 July 1878 Houston, TX
d. 21 Apr 1963 Galveston, TX
m. 8-24-1899 Galveston, TX
Col. William Stanley SINCLAIR
b. 27 Sept 1877
d. 17 July 1961 Galveston, TX

Sources: History of Texas together with a Biographical History of the Cities of Houston and Galveston, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1895.
Corliss, Augustus W., Old Times of North Yarmouth, ME, Somersworth, NH: New Hampshire Publishing Co., 1977

Source of Abraham and Mary's children: Mom's notes and censuses

*Family says Abraham moved to Galveston in 1843. History of Texas (above) states he began life as a sailor boy at age 15, working his way up in rank in the industry; moved to Galveston in 1845. In 1847, he built a wharf bearing his name for many years at foot of 25th Street, and same year in partnership with Charles Emerson, built first steamboat (named "Thomas F. McKinney") ever put up in Galveston port. At later date, he erected the first steam cotton-press in Galveston. He was involved in the lumber, ice and shipping interests of Galveston, finally taking up cotton, first as a buyer, then as a press owner. Assisted in erection of other presses. Director and Superintendent of Southern Compress Company. Member of City Council 1857-8; warden of port.

1900 Galveston, Texas, Ward 7
SD 11, ED 127, Sheet 7

Van Alistyne, Albert, head, white, male, b. Aug 1853, 46, married 22, b. TX, father b. NY, mother b. Virginia
Van Alistyne, Catherine L, wife, ,white, female, b. Aug 1858, 41, married 22, b. TX, father b. ME, mother b. MA
St. Clair, Mary, daughter, white, female, b. July 1878, 21, married ___, b. TX, father b. TX, mother b. TX
Van Alstyne, Alberta, daughter, white female, b. Dec 1879, 20, single, b. TX, father b. TX, mother b. TX
Lufkin, Mary A., mother-in-law, white, female, b. July 1820, 79, widowed, 4 children 3 living, b. MA, parents b. MA
Lufkin, Walter E., brother-in-law, white, male, b. Dec 1852, 47?, widowed, b. TX, father b. ME, mother b. MA

1880 Galveston, Galveston county, Texas Census, Vol. 13, ED 65, Sheet 43, Line 31

Abraham P. Lufkin     64    cotton buyer   b. ME
A. Mary Lufkin        58    wife           b. MA
Theodore Lufkin       26    son            b. TX
Catherine             25    wife           b. NY
E. Harry Lufkin       6     son            b. TX
S. Newton Lufkin      4     son            b. TX
E. Walter Lufkin      24    son            b. TX
C. Nettie Lufkin      23    wife           b. TX
Smith, Henry          24    servant
Mary ?                28    cook
Matilda ?             45    servant

1870 Galveston, Galveston county, Texas Census, 3rd Ward, page 243

A. P. Lufkin          53  male     Agent Cotton        b. ME
L. A. Lufkin          49  female                       b. MA
Theo Lufkin           19  male     Bank Clerk          b. TX
Walter Lufkin         15  male                         b. TX
Kate Lufkin           11  female                       b. TX
Rose Hilderbrand (?)  25  female  domestic servant     b. ___terberg
Ann Ringer (?)        22  female  domestic servant     b. Prussia

1860 Galveston, Galveston county, TX, page 509, 3rd Ward
                                                          Value      Value
                                                          Personal   Real
                                                          Estate     Estate

A. Lufkin             43     male    merchant   b. ME     10,000     40,000
Mary Lufkin           39     female             b. NY
Harry Lufkin          14     male               b. ME
Theodore Lufkin       10     male               b. TX
Walter Lufkin         5      male               b. TX
Catherine Lufkin      2      female             b. TX
Geo. Pearce           22     male     clerk     b. ME

1850 Galveston, Galveston county, TX, Roll 910, page 273

A. P. Lufkin          33     merchant            b. ME
Mary                  30                         b. MA
Henry                  5                         b. ME
Theodore D.           5/12                       b. TX
H. Jameson            18     Mct. Clerk          b. ME

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