These are links to other web sites we like.  Some are places we visit often, some are the on-line sites for real places that are special to us, and some are home pages of special friends.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Champion Forest Baptist Church
Come see what God is doing in northwest Houston.  Larry is a member of Certain Call, the drama ministry of CFBC.

Roy and Teresa Rice's Home Page
Good friends from CFBC and Certain Call.  Check out Chowpie's Pawlor.

Minden, Louisiana
Minden Press-Herald
Take a stroll around Larry's hometown.  See what's happening in small-town northwest Louisiana.

Web site name and address hyperlink
Briefly summarize why the information on the site to which you're linking is useful.

The Burgess Family | Genealogy Links | Our Favorite Links

To contact us:

Email: Burgess Family