My hometown is the Miramichi, the newest and the fourth largest city in the province of New Brunswick, Canada, with a population of approximately 22,000.
The city was formed by the amalgamation of the towns of Chatham and Newcastle, and many smaller communities including Douglastown, Loggieville and Chatham Head.
We are located on the Miramichi River, world famous for its salmon fishing.
The city of Miramichi offers a full range of educational facilities; regional health care with a new $80 million hospital; a retirement housing village, shopping opportunities, restaurants, recreation facilities, an airport, and year-round festivals.
In the early days the name Miramichi was given to the river, the towns and seaports and is still used in this way.
It is the oldest Indian place name in Eastern Canada still in use today. It is believed to be an Indian word meaning Micmac Land.