The Story of a Murdered Love

Betty Linda Siddons

This is a story of tragedy that I am nervous to tell. I worry that it might be a trama just to read it as it is very graphic. I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings too much to read and if it does I apologize - just keep in mind how much it has hurt me to live.

My only daughter was born 12-3-1958 when I was 17 years old and she was with me her whole life until one night on December 17, 1995, she met a monster at a birthday party, they left the party to go buy more beer, she was never seen again. On the next day her fiance called that she didn't come home the night before and that wasn't like her so he reported her missing.

We didn't know where the party was so we didn't know where to start looking for her, we had posters made up and distributed them everywhere, we canvesed every place we could think of and it paid off...a young man came forward to say he had met the man Betty left with that his name was Jeromy and he worked at a nearby store. The police found him right away, but he of course denied doing her any harm and had many lies about the events of that night.

On the 23rd of December the monster and his grilfriend went where he had left her body, he spent 2 1\2 hrs trying to destroy what was left of her body. He took a saw, dismembered her and tried to put her in a burn barrel. When she wouldn't fit her cut her legs in half and cut her torso in two and laughed to his girlfriend that she was still warm inside, then they left her and went to the store and drank hot chocolate!

On the 24th of December we found out her car had been towed and impounded. The police went there and found that her body was not in the car, but they found enough blood to know that my beatiful daughter was dead. Her clothing was in the trunk and had been torn off her with violence and there was semen in her panties. We never found her purse or the backseat of her car, he had tried to set her car on fire but it didn't burn.

The 25th of December was an unimagineable horror.

On the 27th of December he went back to her body because he decided that he had left too much evidence. He took a blow torch and burned her most precious body and cut off her head and went to another area and used her head to play football. All this was after he used a blow torch to destroy her beatiful face so no one could recognize it.

The rest of December we were still desperatly searching for her body day and night.

On Jan.3, 1996 the monsters girlfriend came forward and told on him.

On Jan.17, 1996 the pitiful remains of my baby were positivly identified by the one remaining thumb print that was not totally destroyed.

Our lives are shattered financally, emotionally, and in every way imagineable. We have not begun to recover and probably never will.

The monster plead guilty and recieved 32 years in prison which means this thing could be released when he is 54 years old. How can this be after he said "I raped her, I murdered her, and I raped her again and the bitch deserved it." His name is Jeromy Joseph Gwinn, he is serving his time in the Callaum Bay Correctional Center on the Olympic penensula in Washington state. The girl- friend, Joy Stoltz, got 6 months and credit for time served. His wife, Beth Gwinn, got no time at all and she also knew what he did and tried to give him an alibi.


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