July 31st, 1998

   The criminal trial is over, Matt Demos was convicted of manslaughter, and was sentenced to 10 1/2 years in the AZ State Prison system and 3 years of probation. I worked in that system for 3 years, it will not be easy time there.
  He will have to do the full 10 1/2 years, I believe, AZ has a truth in sentencing law. They don't mess around anymore, he will probably end up at a tent city at some point. Most drunk drivers are sent to one, eventually. You may have  heard of them, they are nothing but huge surplus army barracks tents set up out in the middle of the desert. Summertime is miserable, with temperatures well into the triple digits.
  Matt was sentenced to do community service, drinking  and driving lectures that kind of thing. He also has to carry a picture of Aimee with him at all times, I rather like that idea.  All we have left of her are memories, pictures, and one charred ring.
 The links to the left will send you to articles written about Aimee, Matt, the accident, the trial, and driving under the influence. The are also some letters to and about Aimee.


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