
LinkExchange Member

The Workplace

Name: Gina M. (Havel) Thompson
Hometown:Austin, Texas
Lyndon Baines Johnson High School, Graduated 1985
University of Texas at Austin, Graduated 1991
Bachelor of Arts Degree in English

Professional Information

My career as a Financial Aid Counselor (Officer) for the University of Texas at Austin, Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) began in June of 1992. I have worked in several departments of the office, including Application Completion and Quality Control. I now counsel approximately 1300 undergraduate students in financing their education through Scholarships, Grants and Title IV Federal Financial Aid. I was promoted to Financial Aid Officer II in October 1997. I am the OSFS contact person for Immigration and Naturalization Services and Veteran's Benefits. I have a variety of administrative duties and serve as an Institutional Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Team member, a program of statistical research in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Education. I enjoy working with the public and I get a great deal of satisfaction watching my students thrive and succeed.

All work and no play makes a dull office, they say. Our OSFS Softball team has been very successful in Intramural League play. I truly enjoy my position as "catcher" on the team.

The "Wooldridge Wrecking Crew"
Intermural League Champions 1997 and 1998.

For More Information On Financial Aid or UT Austin, Visit These Sites:

UT Office of Student Financial Services
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
FinAid: Financial Aid Info page
U.S. Department of Education

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