Sept. 19, 1987
Ryan is eleven years old. He'll start Sixth Grade at Mendez Middle School Fall 1999, then go to the brand new Paredes Middle School in January 2000. He likes math and music the most, spelling and science the least. He can dive into ham and cheese sandwiches, pickles, chips and Root beer like nobody's business. His favorite place to visit is Schlitterbahn Water Park. Our last vist to Schlitterbahn was a memorable one - some friends came along as well as grandma, grandpa, Aunt Lori and two cousins ! Seven kids, Six Adults and a TON of fun in the sun ! Ryan likes fishing, swimming, roller blading and watching cartoons. .
Oct. 23, 1990
Kyle is eight years old. He's very creative and talkative (speculations are he'll go to law school and get paid for arguing !) He'll be in the third grade at Palm Elementary School. Kyle was born at home, delivered by his father. He likes to watch TV, do puzzles, play computer games, play cards, especially Uno. He also likes to play four square, roller blade and ride his bike.
Dec. 15, 1991
Zachary is seven years old and will be in Second Grade. Zachary was also born at home, delivered by his dad and is only 14 months younger than Kyle. "Zachy" is a pretty rough little boy (must be something to do with getting beat up all the time by his big brothers) but he gives great hugs and never goes to sleep without his "hug and kiss". He likes chocolate milk, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches cut in squares, lego's, and action figure toys.
More family pictures .. just click on 'em !
[All dressed up] [Ryan in Jamaica]
[Zachary makin' a killing with the tooth fairy]
[Ryan - 5th grade] [Kyle - 2nd grade]
[Aunt Lori and Uncle Chris]
[Ashtyn, Johnathon and Jason] [Ashtyn] [Johnathon] [Jason]
[Mom, in her bowling league shirt] [Our Cousins in Louisiana] [The whole Louisiana Gang]
Check back here soon for more pictures and family news
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