
Upcoming Events


Main Page
Statement of Faith
El Shaddai



Annual Reunion Picnic

Come back and check for info on our
picnic for the summer of 2001!



 Sunday, at 9:30 a.m. Keith and
Renee Kutz minister to the youth of COLBC.


Begins at 6 p.m.

"Bible Study"

Join us for midweek bible study at 7pm on Wed.
There's always hot coffee and plenty of fellowship!

Praise and worship Services

Come on out and join us on Sunday evenings! We have a great time
singing praises to the Lord. Each week someone comes up and shares
their testimony of how the Lord touched their lives.
We would love to see you there, too!

COLBC Ladies Auxiliary

The ladies of Circles of Love Bible Church  will be meeting once a month
for lunch to discuss things they can do to help the church. Check the bulletin
each week for upcoming meetings and their dates. Please call Karen Moulton
for more info at 635-1609.
We all hope to see you at our next meeting!

Men's Prayer Breakfast

On the first Saturday of each month, the men of the church
will meet at a designated restaurant to hold a prayer breakfast.
It is a time of great fellowship so come out and join them!


Circles of Love
1757 South 8th Street, Bldg 'E'
(in Broadmarket Square)
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

 Pastor Pete Pederson
(719) 527-0603
               Ppete1@altavista.com                 .

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