Abraham was a pagan man from the "Ur of Chaldees." The Lord came to him in a vision and gave him a promise. "Abraham, do you see the millions of stars in the heavens, so shall your descendants be." Abraham was promised the whole land before him, a seed, and a people to inhabit the land. Holy is the Lord. "I am the Mighty One, walk with me without complaint." His name was El Shaddai. El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El El Yonna Adonai. Age to age your still the same by the power of your name. El Shaddai, El Shaddai, Er Kom Konna Adonai. We will praise and lift you high El Shaddai. El Shaddai, a God who keeps His promises. Abraham questioned the promise. How can I at 100 and Sarah at 90 bring forth this seed? Abraham and Sarah's "Laughter" did come in their old age. The promise cannot die in the shadow of Shaddai. You are a promise only His love can keep. Issac begat Jacob, and his 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel. These tribes went on to take part in the prosperousness of the Egyptians, and there became slaves. While tending sheep one day,
Moses came across a burning bush. The bush spoke out, "Moses come no closer, take off your shoes, you are standing in My Holy presence." Moses hid his face out of fear, he had been chosen to release his people from their bondage in Egypt. "Tell them I AM who I AM,"...Yahweh. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty-Holy is the Lamb. He was God, guiding a people out of bondage. During this time He gave a text of Laws written by His own finger. Sing praise to the Living God, lift high His Holy name, the ancient God of Israel.While Mary was sleeping, the Chief Angel Gabriel came and said, "Mary, the Lord is with you. You will give birth to a son and He will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord will give you the throne of the son of David. His kingdom will never end. You shall call His name Yeshua." Hallelujah! How could this fragile child lead us in a battle to defeat the enemy, Satan, and lead us toward peace. Joseph and Mary watched as He grew into a compassionate man, healing the blind, feeding the hungry, and raising the dead. "The only way to the Father is through me." He enraged the religious leaders, some wanted to kill Him. Jesus was tried and crucified. Mary loved Him as her God. She watched as her first born hung on a criminal's cross. She heard Him cry out, "Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?" Never had she seen such agony. The promise can not die in the shadow of Shaddai. You are a promise only His love could keep. She watched Him die. The thicket was the cross and the ram - Yeshua.
In Jesus' last moments, His thoughts were for the care of His mother. He shall reign forever and ever. My son, my beloved Yeshua - by His death, He had forever atoned for the sins of us all. You are a promise only His love could keep. Oh, father Abraham, the promise lives, He lives! Great is the Lord! The Almighty lives! Reign in my heart, reign in my home, reign in the world forever.
Composed by Bill Cole
COLBC member
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