ADRK Dog Base Breed Worthiness Evaluation
'Pink Papered' ~ Leistungszucht
102 |
99 |
119 |
119 |
118 |
106 |
HD |
Dentition |
Head Strength |
Cheekbone Development |
Bone Strength |
Overall Temperament |
Arjuna and Gringo Vom Kressbach BH AD ZTP Puppies due on the 03/01/00 !!!!
Maggie Murray (NZ)
2nd Place
Large, substantial, 20 month old bitch. Beautiful head. Correct ears. Correct dark brown eyes. Correct dentition. Dark pigmentation. Correct front and rear angulation. Lovely top and bottom line. Positive unrestricted movement. Nice colour.
Gerard O'Shea (FCI) "V2"
2 years, correct size,slightly long in loin,but good overall type,excellent head and expression,beautiful proportions from the skull through to the muzzle,excellent ears and placement good dark eye,flat skull,excellent stop,super muzzle proportions, middle mouth pigmentation ,correct bite and dentition,good neckline, strong overline,needs to develop a little more in underline and ribbing,moderate forechest,medium front angulation,strong back angulations, coat a little dry,markings medium but a little dull due to coat condition,slightly open in the feet. Movement:correct going away,good reach and drive,moderate overall carriage,breaking slightly behind the withers.

visitors since the 28th May 1999