What is the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps?

The Sea Cadet program is a voluntary program for Young Men and Women between the ages of 13 and 17.  The program fosters the development of patriotism, accountability, self-reliance and an increased knowledge of the Sea Services.  Sea Cadets train at Navy and Coast Guard facilities during the summer and are able to participate in training on board Navy and Coast Guard Ships, Aircraft and shore facilities.  Many Sea Cadets participate in exchange programs in foreign countries like England, Sweden, Japan, Korea and Canada. They are authorized by the Secretary of the Navy to wear Navy uniforms appropriately marked with Sea Cadet Corps insignia.  There are some 260 units in operation in almost every state in the nation.

For more detailed information on the program, visit the  U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps National Website .  The Sea Cadet program is sponsored by the  United States Navy League


USNSCC Officer Corps

The USNSCC Officer Corps is composed of volunteer men and women, civilian and military (active, reserve, or retired), interested in the education and training of Sea Cadets and Navy League Cadets. The USNSCC does not prescribe educational or professional backgrounds, but individuals with nautical/military experience are highly desirable. USNSCC officers are authorized to wear a modified Navy uniform, identifying the wearer as a member of the USNSCC.

Navy and Coast Guard drilling reservists may earn retirement points through participation in the USNSCC program.

Requirements to Join:

1. Be a citizen or legal resident of the U.S.
2. Be at least 21 and normally less than 55
3. Be in good physical condition and undergo a physical examination
4. Be free of felony conviction
5. Be a dedicated and enthusiastic individual






For questions or comments contact: seacadetfsb@yahoo.com