is owned by the Lannning Family
and Life in the Chihuahua Desert.
This ring has been organized
to bring together sites from around the world
that feature regional information
including a bit of history, culture, plants,
animals, people, places....
backed up with photographs.
Sites that help others to
learn more about this wide and wonderful world we live in.
The goal is to link together
sites from every Continent, Country, State, and Region.
You are invited
to join if you have a web site that fits this criteria.
Sites containing
pornographic links or materials will not be accepted.
It is possible
and preferable to communicate without an abundant use of foul language.
Keep it child friendly. Remember, children like to explore and learn
about the world.
So now, if you're
interested in joining fill in the form below.
- Your site must be approved by the committee before it is admitted to the ring.
It must fit the above criteria.
- Please notify us once you have submitted your site, and have your code up at
Please include the URL where the code can be found at your site.
- Please don't get too frustrated if you don't hear from us right away.
We do a lot of work in desert restoration and erosion control which often takes us out of town.
A few graphics and the html code have been prepared for you to copy and paste to your page.
Please click here to get to the page.
Homes and Hearts made possible by the RingSurf
Website design and original graphic creation by Laura A. Lanning of Deming, NM 88030
dba: The Running Computer ©2001 L.A.Lanning, all rights reserved
Photography compliments of John A. Lanning, ©2001 J.A.Lanning
Backgrounds & graphics created using PhotoImpact, version 5.0