MamaDoc's Place

Before you ask, YES, my name really IS Jimmie! That is how it appears on my birth certificate.

Now that we've gotten THAT out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about me. I was born in Norfolk County, Virginia, and raised mostly in California. I moved to Colorado to live with my father when I was fifteen, and remained there until I married a serviceman and ended up back in California. That marriage ended when I met a bizarre guy, who was also married, that told me he had fallen in love with me! We had been working together for a couple of months when he dropped THAT little bomb on me!

I am now married to a wonderfully interesting man who goes from being completely obnoxious to totally sweet (or the other way around) without warning!

We have two BEAUTIFUL children together, Michael & Sarah. While you're here, check out their pages too!

Here's my son, Michael Alyxander. Here, he's a VERY precocious 2½ years old, and keeps Ric & me running! He's basically a good kid, though, and can be the sweetest child, when he wants to be! He adores both of his sisters, a fact that I'm certain will change in a few short years!
And here's the bunch of us! The beautiful blonde girl on the right is Ric's daughter, Ashley! (Baby Sarah was "in the oven" at the time of this picture!)
And, because so MANY of my online friends have requested it, here is a picture of my darling computer geek husband, WITHOUT FACIAL HAIR! This picture was taken in 1994, when we first got together, and when he had significanly LESS forehead!

 Sarah’s Page  Michael’s Page

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