Tanya Ramsey Johnson - 03/12/00 16:08:11
My Email:tystoys91@hotmail
How'd you find me?: Melissa
Just thought I would stop by and say hello
Tanya Ramsey Johnson - 03/12/00 16:07:08
My Email:tystoys91@hotmail
How'd you find me?: Melissa
Melissa Morrison(Patrick) - 02/17/00 01:56:11
My Email:mis7up@wf.net
How'd you find me?: classmates.com
to an old friend---may we stay in touch, with love and familes far and wide, from my family to yours
- 01/25/00 02:39:11
My URL:/Area51/Neptune/3733/
How'd you find me?: Just Surfed On
Great site! Keep up the good work!
Gayle - 12/02/99 06:10:38
My Email:starmomabc@yahoo.com
How'd you find me?: you sent it to me!!!!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: my picture....lmao
MR.H.HARTZELL - 11/26/99 15:55:47
How'd you find me?: ON WEBTV.
Is there anything you would like to see added?: TREKKER.
kg - 11/23/99 01:56:08
My Email:kgedrich@msn.com
Hey girl just thought I'd drop you a line. I just got done reading Mom's Retreat newsletter and thought I better get my butt in gear and say hey soooooooo HEY JR. Sorry I've been such a stranger lately Love ya all kg
11/11/99 14:19:32
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Gayle Pawloski - 11/03/99 05:08:30
My Email:starmomabc@yahoo.com
How'd you find me?: Mom's Retreat
Dream Angel - 10/23/99 02:13:14
How'd you find me?: Moms Retreat Site by Cath
I have enjoyed talking to you very much. Thank you for being a friend. Now i can match a name that i've known to a face i've seen. Glad to meet you. Check out me and my family when you get a chance at Wolf Lake. See ya soon.
Veronica Gomez - 10/22/99 20:26:02
My Email:tvgom@mediaone.net
How'd you find me?: Mom's Retreat~! SILLY!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: hmm... don't think so! looks great to me!
I loved the pics and stories, the kids are adorable, and it was nice to get a face to go along with the typed personality i've known for over a year now! Looking forward to stopping in every now and then, hope you don't mind, but could I add your website
o my paper? Let me know. I think this would be a great place for all the mom's to see each other, know what I mean? If you agree, watch the Nov. issue for a better write up of what I found here! Love it Jimmie! Talk to you soon! Love Veronica (aka GoMomX4
Vicki (3xthemom) - 10/22/99 20:23:11
My Email:rvmong@csonline.net
How'd you find me?: ICQ
Is there anything you would like to see added?: no
Great home page!! Great pics and cute stories. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work!
Sam (blue_dolphin26) - 09/14/99 17:11:04
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/dolphinshome/welcome.html
How'd you find me?: meet in bingo
Hi! your site looks awesome!!! great job!!!!! hope to see you in bingo soon!
Kristopher Shane Stohl - 08/09/99 05:05:12
My URL:http://members@aol.com/jedikris
My Email:Jedikris@aol.com
How'd you find me?: I found tinkerbell andgot some fairy dust! LOL
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Well, I...just...Nope! LOL
Very fun page to see! It looks like it was fun to make and up date when there is new things! I think though, and this is a (cool complement) that you should go to chicago or where ever it is and see Rosie O'donlled show! YUr a looker like her person! I a
ways liked watching her for the reason she always smiles and laughs! And once I did think that you were her when she fist aired! I know Dorkky me! Keep the pics coming
Stan - 06/28/99 15:04:07
My Email:tigeruppercut@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: You know
Is there anything you would like to see added?: more pic's
Hi JR,
It is me, Big Papa. I'm here like I promised. I didn't have a chance to go to Kinkos to get pic's of myself on a disc. It was a very busy weekend. I'll have it done by next Tuesday when I'm back at work.
I know you can't wait that long, but you can't rush excellence!!! LOL
cuddles - 06/12/99 05:18:00
My Email:dwhabel@iaw.on.ca
How'd you find me?: ICQ
Is there anything you would like to see added?: nope
hi just looking at your page.....
depotdebbi - 03/04/99 05:37:30
My Email:depotdebbi@aol.com
How'd you find me?: you told me
great pictures! nice family! I wish I had a site!!!
Lori Robinson - 03/04/99 05:36:28
My Email:lori918@frontiernet.net
How'd you find me?: moms retreat
you have a very nice family
- 03/04/99 04:54:32
Kathy Gedrich - 02/10/99 23:53:51
My Email:kgedrich@aol.com
How'd you find me?: asked you
Is there anything you would like to see added?: new pictures as you get them
I really enjoyed seeing what you and hubby and children all looked like. Now I can put faces to names when we play bingo together. BINGO!!!!! Keep on bingoing and see ya in the chat room. JRenee I really love your site.
lou501 - 02/10/99 19:59:22
My Email:simonniko@sprint.ca
Great site........nice to put a face to the name......see you in Bingo
Lanna Banana - 02/08/99 16:28:46
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lannabond/home.htm
My Email:LannaBond@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: I'm not quite sure.. followed the trail of choclate wrappers I think.. no, wait, those are my chocolate wrappers
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Plug for my site.. oh, look.. there's one there!! hehehe
It's taken me forever to find my way here, but I finally did, and I have stashed some chocolate under the dancing baby for ya!!Cool site!
Mara K'Vaq'Ne - 02/05/99 21:33:42
My Email:emony_dax@england.com
How'd you find me?: I huffed and I puffed . . . oops, sorry . . .
Hey there friends!!!! Long time no chat. How's it all going? I'm good. Hey, here are some more quotes for you:
"Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it."
"We are all born mad. Some of us remain so."
"Only the insane take themselves quite seriously."
"We cannot be NORMAL and ALIVE at the same time."
"One should only see a psychiatrist our of boredom."
"When you look in a mirror you do not see your reflection, your reflection sees you."
"Real life seems to have no plots."
"A critic is a legless man who teaches running."
"Cheese--milk's leap towards immortality."
"Leisure time is that five or six hours you sleep at night." (That one's especially for MD!!)
"Myth's are public dreams, dreams are private myths."
Well, that's it for now. Hope you like them.
Silkee13 - 01/06/99 19:30:49
Wow, after all these months it's great (a little odd though) to put actual faces to you and your family :o) Your kids are just as adorable as I imagined and your beautiful pictures fit the personality, that I got to know a little over the net, perfectly.
Talk to you soon,
Hermes & Equus - 12/11/98 05:17:06
My URL:http://www.WeSawInsurrectionFirst.GreatMovie/BetYourJealous/BWAAAHAAAHAHAHAH.com
My Email:HorseOnSpam@hormel.com
How'd you find me?: Just stumbled up on ya
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Spam! Lots of Spam!
Hey there! Just dropping by to say hi! :-)
Page still looks terrific! See you when I get back!
Ric - 12/08/98 23:28:54
My URL:http://www.Marry_Me_Again.com
How'd you find me?: Just got lucky, I guess!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: An anniversary ring?
I do. Still. Again. Always.
Susan Cady - 11/13/98 21:48:12
My Email:you already know
How'd you find me?: you know that too
Hi Darlin' - WONDERFUL PAGE!! I really enjoyed looking at yours and the kids, I'll look at Ric's next time, I'm going to forward this to my other email at home so I can continue to look at all your beautiful faces! Love, Susan
Jedi Weyoun - 11/04/98 02:31:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/7380
My Email:jediwey@unm.edu
How'd you find me?: TD's link in ST ;-)
hiiiiiiiii, mama doc!! *L* it's wey on a *really* good day...hee hee.....your page is cool! i love it! you've got such a sweet family :-)
Ric - 10/08/98 15:35:27
My URL:http://www.marry-me-again.com
My Email:trekdoc@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: Just got lucky!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: A wedding album?
Just wanted to tell you, once again, that I am completely and totally in love with you, my Chosen. Every day I love you more, and I am VERY proud to be your husband!
Dragon/Ric - 09/28/98 06:03:34
How'd you find me?: was trekking through the stars
Cool page MD. Killer backgrounds.
Leah Smith - 09/28/98 05:53:41
My Email:Hed0red@aol.com
How'd you find me?: ST Chat!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: How about some gratuitousness? (Just kidding)
I would make my usual comments, which though in honesty (Nice web page!) would seem trite here. So instead, I'll point out that MamaDoc, you were the first person to welcome me into the chat (I'm sure you rue the day), and once again, thank you so much,
or giving me that warm squishy feeling.
Tribble of Borg - 09/04/98 14:19:45
How'd you find me?: Followed a trail of food
Is there anything you would like to see added?: More fur!
Resistance is Fertile! Oops! I just gave birth to 15 more of me! It's getting crowded in here! Hey, you little furballs! Don't make a mess of MamaDoc's guestbook!
Nancy - 09/04/98 12:50:31
My Email:nancypd@juno.com
What a great web site ! You GO girl !!!
TrekDoc - 09/03/98 22:25:34
My URL:/Area51/Zone/8231/
My Email:trekdoc@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: I married you!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Nothing that can be posted here!
Today more than yesterday, and tomorrow more than today, I love you! Just thought you'd like to know!
Lynda Noell - 08/28/98 15:23:08
My Email:Lynda.J.Noell@jpl.nasa.gov
How'd you find me?: Ric sent me an e-mail and I followed the trail!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Haven't looked yet, but wanted to sign first.
When are you guys gonna help Mom & Elmer set up an e-mail "line", so we can communicate more often and "more better!" :P --Big Sister
Stacie/Equus - 08/26/98 21:28:21
My URL:http://laughsalot.com
My Email:skmoyle@concentric.net
How'd you find me?: tracked down the smell of spaghetti!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Pasta? hehehehehe
I love the web pages!! All the pics of the kiddos are really wonderful.
Hermes - 08/26/98 04:11:11
My URL:http://www.Hermes.com/OldFart/SpamAdvocate/drinkstoomuchchocolatemilk.html
My Email:david@computron.net
How'd you find me?: Recommended by the owners!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Yeah.. How about a few great pics of Spam?
Docs, you have lovely lovely children. Great sites! I love to come here often and browse around. I'm thinking of buying a timeshare here!
Mom - 08/09/98 15:27:45
My Email:sstrube@stoneleyton.com
How'd you find me?: through Ric's home page
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Michael's page
It looks great sweetheart! Can't wait to see Michael's page. I downloaded some of the pics of Michael and Sarah for my desk. Keep working on it.
Jean - 07/29/98 19:29:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/9209/
My Email:cadet1stclass@juno.com
How'd you find me?: you gave me you.
Hey Mama! Great site! Thanks for coming to mine! my hit counter went over 100 today!! I'm still hyper, just like last night! Did you hear mike okuda joined the uep? hehe
Love ya!
A. Jimmie - 07/23/98 21:54:21
How'd you find me?: You told me how
Is there anything you would like to see added?: There's a lot already!What
What a lot to see already. It's good to be able to see your family this way. I guess I need to come back for a visit!
merle - 07/15/98 22:41:53
How'd you find me?: TD
Bunch of happy people...just adorable to see....*g* Lots of luck with the baby,
Silver-Tongued Flatterer - 07/15/98 14:35:44
How'd you find me?: An ST Chat friend told me about your site.
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Perhaps more pictures of yourself and your lovely family.
Yours is a very attractive site, my dear. Your rose theme is almost as lovely as you are! I will be back from time to time to watch your site grow!
Jorge Etchart - 06/22/98 02:03:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/3734
My Email:jetchart@cvtci.com.ar
How'd you find me?: somos vecinos !!!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: ?????
G - 06/08/98 20:59:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/8468/
My Email:g.@lineone.net
How'd you find me?: female intuition!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: a pic of TD without facial hair!!tee hee!!
wanna have kids and a family NOW!!!!!:)
Tracy Podgorski - 06/04/98 18:25:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/8071/relationstation.htm
My Email:tpodgorski@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: Your hubby
Very nice page!
Mom - 05/31/98 23:10:36
My Email:sstrube@stoneleyton.com
How'd you find me?: Sarah's page and you told me
Is there anything you would like to see added?: more pictures (definitely some of Sarah
Why doesn't Michael have a website? He needs one too, just like Sarah. I like your website. It is great.
Chicken of Borg - 05/13/98 20:56:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/8231/system.html
How'd you find me?: Irrelevant.
Is there anything you would like to see added?: More chickens
We shall add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. AND LIKE IT! Nice site! Add some Borg humor too!
Alan S. Muir - 05/11/98 19:04:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/9862
My Email:amuir@geocities.com
How'd you find me?: StarTrekker chat
Is there anything you would like to see added?: A link to the chat page? :-D
Well, I wish I could come up with something to add to your "Wit and Wisdom" section, but my mind's blank at the moment. Sorry. Maybe later...
Neomi - 05/09/98 22:54:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/9563/index.html
My Email:samanthahardy@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: You told me to come!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: A picture of the new baby when she comes!
Doin' a great job mom. Keep it up & continue to have fun doin' it. My love to you, dad and the rest of the growing family.
Mara K'Vaq'Ne - 05/04/98 17:56:02
My Email:zimpi@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: You told me
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Nope
Sarah Bonney - 04/29/98 18:26:12
My Email:sarahbonney@usa.net
How'd you find me?: you gave me the address :-)
Is there anything you would like to see added?: not really
I really liked the page....Oh the family is sooo sweet :-)
Alfredo Garcia - 04/29/98 17:18:37
My Email:Afredoga@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: star trek
Is there anything you would like to see added?: no its a very heart warming site!
I'm from australia and occasionally frequent the star trek chat thingy. Its all a bit silly really but its a lot of fun too. It was nice to see your side of things and live long and prosper! Narnoo narnoo!
Jubilee - 04/29/98 17:12:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/7454
My Email:jubilee80@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: I clicked the link
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Nope.. it's very good :-)
PRETTY MAMA!! I just LOVE the background!!! Good work!! Keep adding.. i'll come back and check every now and then...
Soleta - 04/28/98 20:27:09
My URL:http://I don't know yet
My Email:coddsux@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: You!
Kewl page! Maybe I can get the record for signing this guestbook the most too...bug you to death...=) *hugz*
Mara K'Vaq'Ne - 04/24/98 17:42:01
My Email:zimpi@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: The ST chat
Is there anything you would like to see added?: Nope.
Your kids are so cute. It makes me think of my little brother, Evan. I just love the dancing baby!!!!!
Tiffany Carlton - 04/24/98 17:31:35
My Email:tcarlton@hotmail.com
Hi MamaDoc
It is Doctor and Doctor of Borg. How are you?
Frogzilla - 04/24/98 17:30:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/9919/
My Email:froggyzilla@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: That has to remain secret for security reasons..hee hee
Is there anything you would like to see added?: MORE DANCING BABIES
Hey Mamadoc, neat page. Nice to see a whole family online!
Peter - 04/24/98 05:49:41
My URL:http://idonthaveone.com
My Email:peter5@home.com or icq @ 6644117
How'd you find me?: you posted the place and i checked it out.
Is there anything you would like to see added?: at this time no, it looks good.
the place looks great. you did a good job. let me know if you update it, so i can check it out agian. bye!
Rocket - 04/24/98 05:46:38
My Email:rjyap@infocom.net
How'd you find me?: You referred me!
What a lovely family!! Thanks for sharing, MamaDoc! (BTW -- I love that cyber-baby, too!)
Picard(Jean-Luc) - 04/20/98 23:13:13
My Email:ellis@us.hsanet.net
How'd you find me?: In the Chat TD told everyone
Nice place Mama.
Ian Cross - 04/20/98 14:23:54
My URL:http://www.lanset.com/hellwater
My Email:hellwater@lanset.com
How'd you find me?: Link from Ric's page.
Is there anything you would like to see added?: ...
Lookin' Good!
Ric Noell - 04/20/98 04:28:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/8231/
My Email:trekdoc@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: Find you? Hell, I MARRIED you!
Is there anything you would like to see added?: YOU tell ME!
Nice site, for something your hubby slapped together on an impulse! I love you deeply, My Chosen, and I would marry you again in an instant! You are the one that makes me feel complete, my wife, my partner, and my best friend!