Allow me to say before I begin that if anyone out there has a Loved one suffering from any terminal illness "VISTA CARE of ATHENS, GEORGIA would be one of the finest services I know to be of help to you.
Should you desire PRAYER, LOVE, CARE, HELP, or anything else Vista Care would be the one's to make this situation a much easier process to go through.
This is from my personal relationship with them. Just a hand on the back, a warm smile, a we love you, is there anything you need, these wonderful people will assist you.
I Begin by saying to you that My Dad passed away the day before my birthday in 1991.
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon November 12, 2000 my wife and I were invited to attend the memorial service of our dear departed loved ones at First Baptist Church in Athens, Georgia. This service started at 2:00 P M. A special MEMORIAL Service to Honor the memory of a loved one who recently passed away. "Gone but never forgotten," sponsored by VistaCare of Athens. An organization providing help to those who have lost Loved Ones while patients of VistiCare.
A Heart Felt Welcome and Purpose given by Denise Grier, Program Director was well presented to all present. There were approximately 50 persons present all sharing the same common situations. Faces we have never seen before but we knew we among Friends facing the same situation as we were going through.
The Reflection Through Written Word, given by Reggie Erwin, Social Worker was as good as any Worship Service anyone could attend.
Reflection Through Song, presented by Lisa Houck, Office Manager, and Lori Ragsdale.
Reflection Through Spoken Word presented by Brother Mike Mims, Chaplin was surely Spiritual Food for each and everyone present. Bro. Mike sat by my Mother's side many days reading the Holy Word of God to my Mother, taking her hand in his and Praying for her and Family members. Brother Mike we appreciate all you did during this time in our lives as well as continuing to keep in touch with us.
The Reflection Through Memory given by A Very Special Lady Karen Gordon, RN and assistant Jannett Carter, CAN. Karen was always there for us during the last weeks of Mom's life on earth and encouraged, supported, sat with and Prayed with us. Karen would take the time to stay with Mom while we would go for a walk, home for a shower and change of clothes, and many more things too many to mention. Karen you are a very Special Person in our Life and our words will never be enough to express what you mean to us.
Reflection on Closing given by Jay Ragsdale, Bereavement Coordinator, One of the best I have ever heard. Very Heart touching and many tears were shead during this special time.
Following this service an invitation extended for all to join together for refreshments and Fellowship. The Memorial Service was brief and to the point. I do not think I have ever attended any more wonderful and beautiful Service. Candles were lit for all those in attendance in remembering their loved ones.
I leave my thoughts, my laughter, my dreams To you whom I have treasured beyond gold And precious gems. I give you what no thief can steal, the memories Of our times together: the tender, love-filled Moments, the successes we have shared, the Hard times that brought us closer together And the roads we have walked side by side.
I also leave you a solemn promise that after I Am home in the bosom of God, I will still be present, Whenever and wherever you call on me. My energy will be drawn to you by the magnet of Our Love. Whenever you are in need, call me. I will come to you, With my arms full of wisdom and light to open Up your blocked paths, to untangle your knots And to be your avenue to God.
And all I take with me as I leave is your love And the millions of memories of all that we Have shared. So I truly enter my new life as a millionaire.
Fear not nor grieve too much at my departure, You whom I have loved so much, for my Roots and yours are forever interwined.