Watch us grow
We are working, as time
permits, to complete this part of the new safe schools site.
Please check back soon to see if this one's ready.
Safe Schools Articles Comming Soon
Seat belts on school buses ... why the sudden push?
Are employee unions a necessary part of the school environment?
The Federal government's safe schools strategy - pass or fail?
The missing link in our public education system
Is your kids school bus safe? Helpful measuring sticks
How to help an out of control child do a great job at school (k-12)
Where have all the volenteers gone?
What you can do to help stop harassment/sexual harassment on the school buses
Where have all the teachers gone?
E-Mail your story
person has a great school or school bus story, safety story, idea, war story
or "something funny happened today" story. Perhaps something for the rest of
us grown-ups to think about or perhaps to affirm, encourage and support
other adults.
When e-mailing a story please include your name, contact address
and something about yourself. If the story is controversial and you wish
to remain anonymous we can often do that, depending on the story, or not
print the story until it can be verified through another source.
E-mail stories to:
For more information on how to submit a story,Click Here.
Copyright ©1998 James Kraemer. Click on this Copyright
Notice to view copy without charge limitations.
