Christmas 2000
The Lands Beyond Santa City
Copywrite ©2000 James Kraemer - All Rights Reserved
Whenever tragedy has crossed my path someone has always been there with the power to help. Few of these creatures had any money to spend or held position of influence. They had something more than money or position seems to have these days. They had a great power -- the power to help -- and they often did help and without complaint.
Christmas 2000 I've often wondered about that strange power - the power to help - how it begins, how it holds on and how it can become greater even when in the worst of times.
Throughout the years of having observed first hand the power to help, I've come to understand a little about that power, as well as a little about a variety of other powers possessed by man and also a few powers possessed by the creatures of the wild. It seems when some lose the power to help the same power springs up somewhere else.
Is that what happens? Does the power to help really spring up? Is the power to help a hidden and forgotten power or one reserved only to a few, or is it a power held deep within everyone and everything waiting it's own time? Is the power to help a power easily lost or destroyed? If the power to help is lost, is it also lost to future generations forever and ever? What about the creatures of the wild? Do the creatures of the wild have the power to help?
I don't know much about the powers of the wild creatures in our forests, but beyond here and beyond there I've noted powers beyond the usual and normal abilities of human beings.
This story is about a Christmas Owl, one who actually possessed the power to help a young reindeer-like creature known in some forests as a glower. I've never personally met a glower but I did manage a short visit to a forest where the Christmas Owl lives. It is in that forest, and from the Christmas Owl himself, where I learned about the glowers and heard this strange story about how the Christmas Owl helped a young glower called Glorianna.
I have to tell you that it was a very difficult journey to that forest, where the Christmas Owl lives, a journey so difficult I could only achieve that journey the same way others have ...
in their dreams.
COPYRIGHT ©1989, ©1990, ©1991, ©2000
The Christmas Owl, The Glowers, Glorianna Glenine, the other characters, songs and poems in this story are original creations of the author and reserved for his exclusive use.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Written permission must be obtained from the author and in writing to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for quotations in critical reviews or articles.NOTE: Although permission IS NOT GRANTED to download, copy or reproduce any part of this book, including the illustrations, feel free to link to this book from your website. Publishers, please contact
James Kraemer for more information about this book and publishing rights available.THE LANDS BEYOND SANTA CITY
Cover Page
The Valley of Childrens' TearsChapter XI
The Great Wall of IndifferenceSong
The Valley of Childrens' TearsInside Cover Chapter VI
The Quest and The BurdenChapter XII
The Battle in The Damaged ForestSong
The Great River of LiesChapter I
The Christmas Owl
returns homeChapter VII
Buck and HarmonyChapter XIII
Have A Very Merry ChristmasChapter II
Glorianna Glenine
enters the worldChapter VIII
The long journey beginsChapter XIV
Glorianna's New WorldAbout
The Author
The BookChapter III
Glorianna's First Spring
The Lawless OnesChapter IX
The Meadow of Good Intentions & The Great River of Lies.Epilog Publishers Corner
DistributionChapter IV
Hide Danger!and
The Christmas Owl uses The Power to HelpChapter X
The Land of Cottontails & Snakgrass and The Forest of The Five Lost StreamsSong
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