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How to submit Facts, Figures & Quotes
Safe Schools
welcomes Statistical information that helps adults evaluate information on how to help
keep kids safe. When possible please include the source and a link to varify the information. Also,
please include your name or organization for credit. Please e-mail
recomendations to 2SAFESCHOOLS. Subject: Stats.
- During the past four years, 121 students have been killed nationwide on
school grounds. - School Stories (Spring 1997)
- In 1998 thirteen states allowed spanking in their public schools. Several states are in the process of enacting or looking at enacting legislation returning spanking as a student disciplinary action. - CNN
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
The School Bus
- "Transporting children on the school bus is about 2,000 times safer than the family car." - National School Transportation Association (NSTA)
- "It is likely a young girl's first encounter with sexual harassment will occur on a school bus." - Carlyle Beezly, Head of the National Tennesse School Bus System
- The latest report regarding the cost to install seatbelts on all new
school buses nationally is approximately $35 million. - P.A.S.S.
- 70% of all deaths and 64% of the serious injuries happen in side-impact crashes and
rollovers. - New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1989
- The UCLA tests in 1967 were the first and last federally funded (school bus) crash
tests. - CNN Facts
- 24.5 million students ride the school buses daily, over a distance of 5 billion
miles during the school year. - CNN Facts
- Three times as many pupils are killed outside the bus at bus stops as are on the
inside, by crashes. Two-thirds of the time, the child is run over by his or her own bus. One-half the students killed by the school
bus are struck from the front and the remainder are struct by the side or rear of the bus. - CNN Facts
- Total pupil injuries are up 94% from 1985 to 1996, over 13,000 injuries in 1996. Pupil population riding school buses has not fluctuated significantly
over the past 20 years and the number of actual accidents has remained largely unchanged in the current
decade of the '90s. - CNN & TIME Special Assignment
- "Kids riding this bus are expected to follow the bus driver's directions and practice the skill of courtesy." - James Kraemer, Kids In Charge
- Video cameras are used on 70% of our nation's school buses. - Dateline, MSNBC, 11/12/98, Bus Stop
- Over 30 percent of the accidents involving school buses is attributed to bus driver distraction. - NTSB
- "Nothing prohibits a State or local jurisdiction from purchasing buses equipped
with safety belts." - Safety Belts in School Buses, June 1985, NHTSA (P.A.S.S)
- "There are no documented injuries sustained by an occupant wearing a seat
belt while riding a school bus during a crash." - NTSB School Bus Crashworthiness and Survivability Public Hearing, August 12, 1998
- "50% of all fatal bus crashes occur on activity trips (Field trips, sporting events and church funtions)." - Seat Belts for School Buses
- More school-age pedestrians are killed in the afternoon than in the morning, with 43 percent of the fatalities occurring in crashes between 3:00 and 4:00 PM. - School Buses Traffic Safety Facts, NTSA
- "Goverment statistics show that only 9 passengers are killed in bus crashes each year, compared to 42,000 fatalities in car and truck accidents." - National Public Radio, September 1999
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
- 14 states have three or more retrictions on teen drivers. - DATELINE, MSNBC
- In states with some form of teen licensing restrictions teen crash rates have been reduced by 5 to 10%. - DATELINE, MSNBC
- Inspite of the nationwide STOP SMOKING efforts 3,000 teenagers begin smoking every day. (Smoking is up 28% at the college level.) - CBS NEWS
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
The World
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
- About 1,000 people a month blow the whistle on their public and corporate employers. - Government Accountability Project
- According to the majority of a fee-arbitration panel, plaintiffs' lawyers in the Florida, Mississippi and Texas tobacco cases should be awarded fees that will total $8.2 billion. - The National Law Journal
- Your suggested statistic could go here.
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