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From (City, State): Auckland, New Zealand
Parent, Teacher, etc: bus driver
Subject: student behaviour on school buses

It's comforting but alarming to learn the bad behaviour is not limited to my bus! - but what can I do? I've yet to discover how to drive with full concentration and monitor kids at the same time. Officialdom has had plenty of time to fix this problem.

From (City, State): KY
Parent, Teacher, etc: PARENT

It's a shame that the school bus in the county you live live wont pick your children up on the street you live on, yet a bus from another county will.

Diane Maillet
From (City, State): Edmonton, Alberta
Parent, Teacher, etc: Safety dept. School bus company
Subject: seatbelts

I do not feel seatbelts should be placed on school buses. When an emgerency occurs, children will panic and when a driver has to go around and undo seatbelts, more lives will be lost.

Ann Marie
From (City, State): Michigan
Parent, Teacher, etc: Bus Driver
Subject: Kids In Charge

Our School district used to give us training on Effective Dicipline, but it has been years since our last class. The new drivers they are hiring are young and if the next year you bid on a run they had, you have to work hard to even get the students to s t in their seats, much less talk quietly. I have kept my same runs for years and my student know exactly what I expect from them. When driving behind the bus of one of these drivers, you can see exactly who is in control of the bus and it certainly isn' the Driver!!

Ann Marie
From (City, State): Michigan
Parent, Teacher, etc: Bus Driver
Subject: Kids In Charge

Our School district used to give us training on Effective Dicipline, but it has been years since our last class. The new drivers they are hiring are young and if the next year you bid on a run they had, you have to work hard to even get the students to s t in their seats, much less talk quietly. I have kept my same runs for years and my student know exactly what I expect from them. When driving behind the bus of one of these drivers, you can see exactly who is in control of the bus and it certainly isn' the Driver!!

From (City, State): europe
Parent, Teacher, etc: observer
Subject: Harness restrain in school buses

I'd like to know if devices like the one at link above are widely used in US in school buses ? And, is it easy to use and safer than seatbelts ?

Chris Weston
From (City, State): MapleRidge BC Ca
Parent, Teacher, etc: School Bus Driver Trainer
Subject: Check That Bus

I think it is a disgrace that you people would allow an unqualified teacher to go out and check the most important systems on a bus. Next thing you will have the Janitor teaching Chemistry and the sewing teacher doing welding. Leave the Professionals a one to do thier job. If their is a problem then let the transportation company deal with it, it is thier job to ensure everything is done right, not yours or the teachers. I have been performing the job as well as teaching others to do the same for many years now with not a single incedent and to let an unqualified person in there to do it would be the same as putting the teacher behind the wheel. Maybe alittle more time should be spend finding out what the real problem is.....Poor work conditions, poor pay lack of respect for the bus driver from all ends, especially from the teachers. My suggestion would be to re-educate people on the importance of the bus driver and give us the respect we deserve.

2safeschools note: 2safeschools considers the properly trained and supported school bus driver the most important safety feature on the school bus. In addition to any pretrips, employers can establish a field safety check list of the major safety components bus drivers perform at the field boarding location and with the main chaperone looking on. What componets are checked can be established with the provider. Requiring this safety check prior to departing from the school provides good evidence that the driver did what the driver was supposed to do and helps separate attentive transportation providers from less attentive providers.

Grandpa Chuck
From (City, State): Michigan
Subject: Kayla Rolland

A web page about the tragic death of kayla Rolland.

Officer L.D. Fields
From (City, State): Burgaw,NC
Parent, Teacher, etc: School Resource Officer
Subject: Bus Safety items

Hi, My department is interested in the items you have for sale that involves school bus safety. Our Chief of Police would like to see samples of those items before we order. We are very interested in your products. Please advise if you can send samples of the products on the order form. Thank you for your time...Sincerely, Officer Fields..Pender County School System

tonya smith
My Email:drivin_fool_2000@yahoo
From (City, State): batavia, ny
Parent, Teacher, etc: bus driver trainer
Subject: in loving memory

reading about actual events that have occurred has had a great impact on teaching my drivers why we teach them what we do and why we constantly remind them of driving skills and looking out for the safety of our children even more. I feel after reading s me of your articles the drivers, whom are all very alert drivers will be even more aware of whats around them. Our drivers take on their students as if they were their own children and they are looking forward to going into this school year with full forc on safety to keep their students parents from having to go through a tragedy as these parents must have!

From (City, State): little rock
Parent, Teacher, etc: busdriver
Subject: bus driver shortage

1. bad supervisors 2. not enough pay for part time work 3. crowded buses 4. unruly children 5. favortism w/supervisors (driver-driver) 6. bad supervisor-supervisors

Chof Palanca
From (City, State): Panama, Panama
Parent, Teacher, etc: User
Subject: Unsafe buses for export

Schoolbuses from the Ravena/Coeymans/Selkirk Central School District are being sold in Panama where they are used for public transportation and causing accidents. Are these buses safe at all?

Richard Boudreau
From (City, State): Vicenza, Italy
Parent, Teacher, etc: Transportation Manager
Subject: Unattended School Buses w/Students on Board

The situation that Mr. Panetti mentions that requires a driver dismounting from his School Bus (while students are on board, and engine running) should be against the LAW. What has happened to the Parental responsibility portion of this "team" in geting t eir childrem to-from the bus stop safely? Hopefully someone in charge of the School Bus Transportion program in Jeff's community will take steps to eleminate this practice PRIOR to the begining of SY 2000/01, before some students (on purpose or by accide t) activates the gears on the bus, and causes injuries (to people)or damages (to property).

vikki buss
From (City, State): Mercer Island, WA
Parent, Teacher, etc: parent

How do we put into effect a safety program for parents who abuse the 20 mph speed zone -- pass cars in line waiting for their children, go through the crosswalks without paying attention to whose in the crosswalk, etc.. We live on a very small island and word of mouth is faster than a speeding bullet if you tick someone off -- these are the mercedes, lexus drivers (never seen so many in my entire life until we moved here) -- But, someone is going to be injured if we don' find a solution to the parents who drive their kids to school and ignore all safety rules. If you can help, we would really appreciate it -- ideas?

Bonnie Miller
From (City, State): Glendale, AZ
Parent, Teacher, etc: School Bus Driver
Subject: School Bus Seat Belt Issue

As a Mother and Grandmother, I am sorry for anyone's loss due to a school bus accident. However, I feel the use of seat belts on large school buses is not a good idea. I feel that we are giving our unruley students their very own weapon to use at will. The issue is not seat belts, but addition of Monitor's or Aides.

From (City, State): Louisville,Ky
Parent, Teacher, etc: school bus driver
Subject: your childs safty

Hello, My name is Joy I drive a school bus,I agree that every bus needs a monitor some more than others. I have had two fender benders because of trying to drive and control the students actions. They will not do as you ask them, they know that most schoo s will not back up the drivers. Because of this you get drivers who speed just to get the students off the bus. We have parents who think their child does no wrong. Did you ever get into a car with three kids, times that by nine and double it, that is a b s load. some have more. some have a monitor and still no control.We are more than willing to drive safly. Just tell us how to do that. Thank you Joy

Jeff Panetti
From (City, State): Corpus Christi Tx
Parent, Teacher, etc: School Bus Driver
Subject: Crossing kids

I drive for Corpus Christi Independent School District and it is a Rule to cross kids K-5. But my concern is what is happening on the bus when we the drivers are off the bus and crossing the kids. the gears on a bus are R N D 3 2 1 no park , there is a ai brake knob that is in reach of kids, if a kid falls on or pushes this knob the bus will roll, and what about a fight that breaks out and your crossing 10-15 kids,they could kill each other with in that time,and the kids can play with the door,two way rad o,buttons,and drivers things,and the biggest concern I have is who is going to be responsible if a kid gets hit when a driver is crossing them? The state needs to enforce the law that you can't pass a bus when flashing lights are activated and stick to it make it the worse crime in the state to violate.

From (City, State): Hawkins, TX
Parent, Teacher, etc: Parent of 6 children, 4 disabled
Subject: My children attacked, not protected on bus

We have some horrible issues going on with our school right now. In May two of my sons were attacked on their bus. Response: zero, no concern, just humor. In Sept. my 10-year old son, Jakob, was repeatedly attacked with driver present (bus not moving, ot even loaded yet, parked in front of our Elementary school). The driver ignored Jakob being attacked 3-4 times; Jakob even saw him watching. (I had just filed a complaint the very afternoon before concerning other problems in the school and I'd listed is failure to protect in May.) The driver punished Jakob, allowing one of the very children who attacked him to sit behind and over him, further harrassing and threatening. The driver later threw Jakob's property off the bus without provocation and inst ucted him if he wanted it, "You can go get it!" Jakob tried, was prevented and then got off about 2 stops later. He was punished for this EXCLUSIVELY (NOT THE DRIVER, NOT THE OTHER KIDS, etc.) The school would not take action, even though this was all R CORDED ON VIDEOTAPE and we watched it together. A lot has happened since then; Jakob was suspended for 3 1/2 months from the bus (orig. they wanted 8 1/2 months). On 12/2 my kids still on the bus came home highly agitated. I watched videotapes again. This time, the driver had been encouraging and directing kids to assault each other, abdicating his responsibility to protect and discipline back on kids who were frustrated with another boy (one of Jakob and Ben's attackers in May and one of Jakob's atta kers in Sept. I have asked for: the driver OFF that bus. Instead, they just arranged for my kids to ride a different bus themselves. We accepted that for now, but are very angry they will not deal with the driver and in fact still have him where he can continue with the other kids on the bus. We asked for the driver to be trained; we were told it was not needed. We asked for formal reprimand: not felt necessary. Information, referral, ideas, etc. would be appreciated. Sincerely, Pavla

Jennifer von Busse
From (City, State): Cleveland, OH
Parent, Teacher, etc: Parent and Stepparent
Subject: Re: Micheal's Story

I became the parent of a wonderful little boy on September 22, 1998. The story of Micheal hit home for me. So many times I worry about my son, I think it is natural for every parent. Reading this reminds me that I'm not always overreacting, as people w ll tend to tell a first time mom. Things like this really do happen. Another day that changed my life was April 17, 1998, when I became a stepparent to two beautiful girls. The oldest is in kindergarten this year, and rides a bus. I intend to contact her school district tomorrow and obtain more information on their polic es regarding bussing and bus drivers. To Micheal's mother, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and that your courage in sharing your story may help other children to be spared. If Micheals time on earth was so brief, how lucky he was to spend it with someone who was so obvio sly loving and devoted to him.

From (City, State): Orange,Ca
Parent, Teacher, etc: Crown Driver
Subject: Driver safety

Very sad to read the story about Michael. It is a VERY hard job here in Cal like everywhere for us profesional drivers to pay attention to the road, control the kids (my jr hi kids are WILD), and control the bus, and avoid idiot drivers..there's plenty he e It's not much but I can say I try to be a very safe schoolcoach driver and my bus does NOT MOVE until I had confirmed that there are no kids near the bus. 5 point mirror check and I double check. My side window is open all the time in case someone has to et my attention. The problem I see with this sad accident, why was he walking across the road by himself??? We escort kids K-8 here in Cal and I think ALL STATES SHOULD ADOPT THIS RULE. My nightmare is one of my 'babies' getting hurt. Our dispatcher does her best to elim nate crossings also. We are safe, some drivers are just to lax and things happen.



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