A few more thoughts on the internet
Have you ever noticed how serious people take the net? I find the net to be a nice escape from reality. A place to hide out and forget the worries of the real world. It's kind of like a book. I can pick it up, read for a while, but when I'm done, I can put it down and step back out of the "looking glass". On the net, I can be a little more outrageous than I would in the real world, and the anonymity of the net protects our real selves from our cyber persona. So, let me escape and enjoy the awe and mysteries that abound on the net. You're welcome to join me in the adventure, "to boldly go where no one has gone before" (by the way, that is the most famous example of a split infinitive in literature, it really should read "to go boldly..." but that is for another time). |