Hi There:

My name is Hasan .I was born in Yemen(1977)in the state of Hadramut.I moved to Jeddah(Saudi Arabia) when I was 6 years-old. I've lived in Jeddah for more than 10 years and there I've finished my high school.Then I went to Malaysia to study in The Asian Pacific Institut Of Information Technology (A.P.I.I.T).Now I'm studing course in IT(bleave me it's not fun). I will finish my studies with a deegre.

My Hobbies:
I like to travel,reading novels,memorizing poetry and ofcourse as a young arbian I like fooootball (My fiance!!).

Things That I believe in:
life is like a candle the more it shines the sooner it will finish!!.
The way you live your life dependes on the way you understand it.

I have some pictures if you want to see them:
Me ..alone..........!
Me and My naphew Mohammed..He is the closest to my heart.!!!
Sweeeeet Kids (I love them a lot).
My last holiday with my friends in Penang Island(Malaysia)..

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